Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 If the birth of her child was to take place in London as had been arranged , then presumably for some weeks beforehand she would have to remain in the Harley Street flat , kicking her heels or at least suffering the kicks inside her , which she had greatly come to resent .
2 Many people will have heard of the Bloxham Tapes .
3 Certainly most members of the general public will have heard of the Draize test for detecting the irritant potential of cosmetics , or perhaps the more widely used LD50 , nor will they have been spared photographs of immobilised creatures in plaintive lines .
4 We will have to wait for the Donaldson report , which covers the whole country . ’
5 To see the full series , we will have to wait on the BBC , who have bought Twin Peaks with the rights to show it anytime after November .
6 THE Oval Office may be occupied by a self-confessed non-inhaler ; half the members of the cabinet may have marched against the Vietnam war ; and the first and second ladies may spend their spare time grooving to the Grateful Dead .
7 But there is at least a hint in the Bill that in certain circumstances opted-out schools ( to be referred to as grant-maintained schools ) might receive extra funds from the DES : although in general such schools are to receive funding equivalent to that which they would have received from the LEA , Clause 67 ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) lay down that for certain ‘ special purposes ’ extra non-recurrent or recurrent grants may be forthcoming .
8 First in the world to deploy an ICBM , it took the Soviet Union ten years longer than the United States to develop a reliable guidance system ; it has also taken 25 years to develop a quiet nuclear submarine , and having set the pace with anti-satellite weapons , the USSR may already have fallen behind the United States in this field .
9 We will have to go to the Lake District my darling .
10 Certainly it has exhausted the works explicitly credited to Carver in the great Scone Choirbook , and I suppose that is why Dr Elliott remarks , in connection with Pater Creator Omnium , that any music which ‘ may have intervened between the Mass Fera Pessima … and this work is sadly lost ’ .
11 By this time the Harringtons had a further hold on Edward 's gratitude , having joined him promptly on his return in 1471 , and they had also secured a new and influential patron in the person of the duke of Gloucester , who may already have intervened on the Harringtons ' side in 1470 .
12 By this time the Harringtons had a further hold on Edward 's gratitude , having joined him promptly on his return in 1471 , and they had also secured a new and influential patron in the person of the duke of Gloucester , who may already have intervened on the Harringtons ' side in 1470 .
13 Heyerdahl , five companions and a sulky parrot had drifted 4,300 nautical miles across the Pacific Ocean on a balsa wood raft to prove Heyerdahl 's theory that South American people could have travelled across the Pacific to become the ancestors of the Polynesian islanders .
14 A look back at the history of the Hinkley site must have added to the CEGB 's optimism .
15 Sooner or later she would have to stand before the Mother Superior and confess what she had done , but even that awful prospect could n't quell her joy just then .
16 Bearing in mind that after the stinginess of Armadale he had gone to the house of this ‘ hearty welcome ’ , and had been pleased with ‘ a numerous and cheerful company ’ — why did Boswell prove less forthcoming than one might have expected about the Mackinnons ?
17 ‘ The two of you will have to come to the Major 's tonight , ’ the man who gathered the money said .
18 The whole place stank of money : much more money than the singer could have earned at the Kitty Kat Club .
19 Although President Nixon may have come to the White House committed to ending the war in Vietnam , it just so happened that his way of ending it was to escalate it .
20 Our spies tell us HP and DEC would have come to the UI meeting if they were n't so afraid to being found out .
21 Well it would n't made any difference cos we would have come on the Sunday anyway .
22 This might have come from a WEA rally .
23 A similar decision would have come from the White House by now were it not for the delay in finding a defence secretary .
24 A gold-mounted disc of amber found at Knossos may have come from the Wessex culture of southern England .
25 If she , Rachaela , had been abducted as a child or teenager , would she have responded to the Scarabae as Ruth did ?
26 He took a holiday he should not have done during the Gulf War crisis when this country was facing its greatest possible crisis .
27 There 'll be no more lolling about on the Costa del Sol in future because too much Sol will have done for the Costa .
28 We then had a rousing Le Corsaire pas de deux , with Elvira Tarasov and Igor Zelensky dancing just as Ruzimatov should have done in the Diana and Actaeon , with technical bravura but putting the choreography and music first , and themselves only as the servants of dance as an art .
29 Although Beckenham U.D.C. had powers to construct a tramway system , which they might have leased to the B.E.T. , and had built a power station in Churchfields Road , they now had second thoughts about tramways and were thinking in terms of permitting the B.E.T .
30 She tiptoed out , leaving Sally-Anne to fall into a light sleep — but not before she felt a little mean , as she would have said in the USA , about deceiving the good old lady — and Dr Neil Cochrane , of course .
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