Example sentences of "have [verb] [noun sg] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the fact that the attempt had been made at all must have given credibility to Gloucester 's claim that the Woodvilles were prepared to use force in pursuit of their ends .
2 But the fact that the attempt had been made at all must have given credibility to Gloucester 's claim that the Woodvilles were prepared to use force in pursuit of their ends .
3 Summer would have given way to autumn imperceptibly , had it not been that autumn was the hunting season , and hunting the very purpose of the region .
4 Secondly , that transfer must have given rise to rights in the individual who makes it .
5 Well I think any change from one system , a total system like rates , to another total system like the Community Charge er would have given rise to misgivings .
6 I 'd have given birth to twins and discovered what song the Sirens sang , and vaporized and condensed and fallen as snow all over central Calcutta . ’
7 Numbers of large mammals , including elephants , will have fallen victim to booby traps and land-mines .
8 Unquestionably , if either Richard or John had married her , it would have added plausibility to Philip 's claim that this vital territory was his sister 's marriage portion and , as such , might one day be returned to France .
9 Although Howard did n't actually have to come face to face with Brando , they had to share the same set .
10 It is extremely doubtful if Tudor monarchs would have conceded sovereignty to Parliament , at all events in any real and substantial sense .
11 Rather less simply , some people close to Crédit Lyonnais think it may also have lent money to Florio Fiorini , a Swiss-based Italian associated with Mr Parretti .
12 " I suppose he could have lent money to Ingard , and been pressing for payment . "
13 This comment may have drawn attention to Mary Leapor for a few years .
14 Sun 's other weak point may be the fact that WABI 's Praxsys creators come from BIOS house Phoenix Technologies Ltd where they would have had access to MS-DOS .
15 Sun 's other weak point may be the fact that WABI 's Praxsys creators come from BIOS house Phoenix Technologies Ltd , where they would have had access to MS-DOS , although Phoenix was one of the pioneers of the concept of the clean room , where no-one that has any inside knowledge of the code being emulated is allowed to come into contact with the developers of the emulation .
16 It is unlikely that many Europeans would have had access to Aristotle 's writings , but the cuckoo 's habits were certainly well enough known during the Middle Ages for them to be mentioned by Chaucer ( in The Parlement of Foules , 1382 ) , and for the term ‘ cuckold ’ — describing a man deceived by his wife — to have passed into the English language .
17 No doubt after six days of living in a trench , the dirt would have had time to grime itself in .
18 He began to say all the prayers to the Blessed Virgin and the saints which he had been taught at his mother 's knee , and all the while , as he prayed , he was aware that under a mile to the west lay Gribbin Head , where murder had been done eleven months before : murder he had been witness to and had profited by ; murder he had known full well was mortal sin for which , at the Judgement Seat , he would have to give account to God .
19 ‘ You mean , could I have administered poison to Sir Thomas ?
20 Leading bankers , in a meeting with the government on Oct. 11 , rejected an aid-tied " Legal Assistance Accord " with the US government , which would have allowed access to information on people suspected of involvement in drug-related activities , in an effort to control " money laundering " in Panama City 's " offshore " International Finance Centre .
21 Their rates tend to be lower because they do n't have to pay commission to middlemen .
22 When this is translated into personal terms , it means among other things that at some point in his or her career a teacher will have to look at its pattern and will have to pay attention to changes which ought to be made in his or her work-role .
23 The ambivalent attitude of schools towards boxing guarantees that many youths , even those encouraged by teachers in the sport , will have to seek access to boxing facilities elsewhere .
24 Surely the Lord Chancellor should have issued guidance to justices on the tariff for sentencing in such cases .
25 I did n't have to say shit to Jesus Christ if I did n't feel like it .
26 Well i I 'm not aware of how far he has taken anything on board , what I would expect as a Member of Parliament and the House of Commons , and as the leader of a party in the House of Commons , I would expect that he would want to hear what I would have to say face to face , and tell me face to face what 's wrong with what I have said .
27 Miller must have sent word to Bartram that Figures of Plants would be coming , as , in April 1755 , only one month after initial publication , John Bartram wrote to express grateful anticipation .
28 Meanwhile on April 25 the National Assembly had unanimously approved a plan for the resettlement of 3,000-4,000 marsh Arabs in new settlements on the periphery of the marshlands , where it was said that they would have improved access to services .
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