Example sentences of "have [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If I , a plastics factory owner , decide to make a rear-lamp cluster for a particular car , either I or the car assembler will have to invest in the specific mould to produce it .
2 It may have formed at the same time as Coed y Brenin .
3 The idea was that " bubbles " of the new phase of broken symmetry would have formed in the old phase , like bubbles of steam surrounded by boiling water .
4 Otherwise , he would never have referred to the only point upon which he and his advisors were at odds .
5 Leslie had stated that he actually saw a telegram saying that ‘ all had been caught ’ , but this may have referred to the four spies which had been picked up near Rye in Kent .
6 I should have referred to the hon. Member for Dunfermline , West ( Mr. Douglas ) , who comes from Govan .
7 For example , in the story above , Mrs Glen may have jumped to the wrong conclusion but if you were Mrs Glen how would YOU feel if you were tired , your lesson had been disrupted by exams in the hall next door , several people in the class were being awkward , you get interrupted by an unhappy violin teacher moaning about his pupils not turning up on time and then you re-enter your classroom to find someone crawling under your desk with a handful of expensive musical instrument ? !
8 The other was the offspring of doting , bourgeois parents , who should have given off the opposite kind of vibrations .
9 He simply wished that he did n't have to contend with the unspoken supposition that the two of them were hiding up there on the Step and banging away like a couple of baboons , which he saw in the eyes of more than one person who wished him good morning when he went into town to pick up his mail .
10 In his speeches to the multitudes , Franco 's enthusiasm for the Falange put monarchists and military on notice that any attempt to push him into early retirement would have to contend with the mass opposition of his " popular support " .
11 We support and accept the good sense of increasing sentences for offences that are worse than taking and driving away and of extending the deterrent of disqualification where personal injury and damage occurs , but it is quite another thing for someone to be guilty of additional offences that he does not commit , to which he is not a party and which he might not have foreseen as the likely consequences of his taking and driving away .
12 You would have to strip off the old veneer and put a whole new one on .
13 That trip must have revived Nicolae 's memories of his time in Stalin 's Moscow , but the frenzied adulation of Mao surpassed anything that Ceauşescu could have witnessed in the Soviet Union .
14 What other group or profession would have gathered in the Royal Mile ?
15 The way information zoomed round Shellerton , anyone theoretically could have heard of the lost camera and the way to find it .
16 So you ca n't dissolve a congress , there 's a fixed term , I 'll read you what the constitution says , it says the president shall from time to time give to the congress information on the state of the union you may have heard of the famous state of the union address to congress that the president makes on an annual basis and he shall recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient .
17 Also they may have heard of the legendary speed at which Pentos pays its bills .
18 As you may have heard in the seven o'clock news , three British hostages are now on their way home from Iraq , after being freed from jail in Baghdad .
19 Added to this the partner of the black hole must have swollen to the giant stage in order that material can be transferred rapidly enough to give an accretion disc that produces detectable numbers of X-rays .
20 Traherne must have conformed to the religious requirements of the Commonwealth .
21 ‘ If only it had been me I would have flown to the highest tree where they could n't catch me and then , and then into the sky to find the wind . ’
22 Now back at Jan Smuts Airport , X-Ray Foxtrot may well have flown for the second time in civvies by the time these words are read .
23 Those problems have not been solved — just as we said that they would not be — because the Government did not take the issue seriously enough and did not press as they should have pressed for the substantial reforms that were needed .
24 At her side , introducing her to people , encouraging her to elaborate on some of her ideas for the future , Luke was urbane , expressing only suave approval , and no one could have guessed at the personal contempt he felt for her , not a hint of it — or anything else personal either — allowed to show through his sophisticated public manner .
25 If your husband retires on a Friday , it is unrealistic to think that your great new life together will take off with a flourish the following Monday ; but the good news is that if you can think in terms of allowing yourselves time to renegotiate the way you live together , the chances are that you will both have adjusted to the new situation within about two years .
26 The proposition is that had these four countries remained outside the EC , their intra- trade in manufactures would have developed in the same way as their extra-trade .
27 Without such action by the judge , Intel would have to wait for the new 80287 trial to be completed before the company could file any appeal .
28 They now will have to wait for the 17.18 which previously ran at 17.08 or walk from Eaglescliffe . ’
29 Our shop at work has sold out of the Torygraph today , so we may have to wait for the latest standings .
30 I shall just have to wait for the next Guinness Book of Records for the answer .
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