Example sentences of "have [verb] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the defendant would have to agree to compensate the plaintiff for any such short-term injury caused , obviously regardless of the outcome of the litigation as a whole .
2 We would have to like pull the wood through you see
3 In typical Ford fashion , we will have to wait to hear the prices .
4 Curiously enough , in the one movement , the concluding ‘ In te Domine ’ , for which Charpentier employs , his accustomed time-signature for very fast movements , and where Christie could have justified doubling the speed , he adopts a more leisurely minim=g3 .
5 Did he have to poach to get the rabbit ?
6 Did he have to poach to get the rabbits ?
7 It may well be that the jury took the view that at the outset of the relationship with each businessman the appellant may genuinely have intended to do the work but subsequently failed to do so .
8 It is clear that , whether they succeeded or not , both the Criminal Law Revision Committee and the draftsman must have intended to give the word one meaning , which would be the same in the Act as in the committee 's report .
9 They may have intended to present the information as a factual account , or they may have been investigating a particular area with a view to using the material obtained as a background for a piece of more imaginative writing .
10 The point is , of course , that B might not have intended to communicate the assumption expressed by [ 15c ] .
11 Chelsea might have won had the ball not kept turning into a Mexican bean at Kerry Dixon 's feet .
12 A pilgrim , whether bound for Rome , or Jerusalem , or simply one of the many shrines in England , would have expected to see the relics of the saints .
13 Return I do n't quite unders can somebody tell me what each indiv I mean basically I would have expected to see the money earned divided by the , the number of staff telling me how much
14 I wish I had his poise ; he ca n't have expected to see the fräulein , but has n't turned a hair .
15 There is no question but that it would have involved tough chairmanship and I am convinced that the Minister — whom I should have expected to chair the conference — would have had to hit a few heads together .
16 Of course , it is purely coincidental that to help other mothers and brides-to-be , we also consulted Harry Dodson , he of The Victorian Kitchen Garden fame , to find out which flowers a Victorian country bride would have picked to decorate the church and make her bouquet .
17 Some time during the few days ' leave , when talking about my life — not work , of course — at Bletchley , I must rashly have let slip the fact that occasionally I was tired .
18 But experts predict interest rates will have to jump to protect the pound .
19 Education chairman Coun John Morris said class sizes of 35 were already too large but may have to increase to keep the budget within limits .
20 He conquered the still-surviving British kingdom of Elmet ( HB ch. 63 ) and extended over the men of Lindsey ( among whom the missionary Paulinus baptized at Lincoln and Littleborough ( HE II , 16 ) ) , a lordship which must soon have come to embrace the Mercians north of the Trent and , no doubt by slower degrees , those south of it .
21 She had initially thought he might have come to reclaim the Madam 's brothel — in which case he was going to have a mysterious and fatal accident .
22 It is clear that this " mood " could only have come to dominate the study of English by deflecting the major challenges to its status as a " real discipline " .
23 It may not be cheap , but it offers the best of diesel driving for those , perhaps , who might not have considered making the switch before .
24 A year ago , he might even have considered signing the pledge and going to bed at six .
25 Had he been a man of no imagination and of totally strict principles , Joe would never have considered steaming the letter open .
26 The basis of the argument was that since , at the date of the Shops Act 1950 , the only proceedings which the local authority could then have instituted to enforce the law against Sunday trading were criminal proceedings , section 71(1) should be read as limited to such proceedings .
27 Designed as an ‘ everyman 's ’ aeroplane , the venture might have succeeded had the market economy at the time been more buoyant .
28 A vivid example of this occurred in the Hadmor case [ 1983 ] 1 A.C. 191 where Lord Denning in the Court of Appeal relied on his own researches into Hansard in reaching his conclusions : in the House of Lords , counsel protested that there were other passages to which he would have wished to draw the court 's attention had he known that Lord Denning was looking at Hansard : see the Hadmor case at p. 233 .
29 If Cadwallon believed himself to be descended from a Votadini chieftain , he may well have wished to support the Votadini in their continuing war with the northern Angles .
30 There must have been many an occasion when agents , in particular , must have wished to see the back of him .
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