Example sentences of "into the [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 In addition to the relationship display which is incorporated into the alphabetical list of subject terms , thesauri often incorporate other lists which help to show the relationships between terms .
2 And somewhere among them , not readily to be located , there was a centre of desperate but controlled unease , a disquiet that caused the air within the choir to quake , with a rapid vibration of disquiet and dread , like a heartbeat driven into the fluttering panic of a bird 's wings .
3 And here she 's telling Ruth , now what you 've got ta do , she 's she 's got him , she 's got her introduced to Boaz and she tells him it 's a strange custom , one that 's perhaps even stranger in our eyes today but there er after the party , the great harvest supper she 's , the the they lie down in the barn together , they all just , they 're tired it 's , it 's , the party 's gone on into the wee hours of the morning , and there they just , they do n't bother going home , they lie down there in the barn together all of them and she says to Ruth what you must do according to the custom is , you go and you lie at the feet of Boaz and wait , just wait , and wait for him to respond to you .
4 Before journeying into the sensory worlds of other animals we need to discard this restricted view .
5 In the immediate post-war period , this discourse entered into the practical consciousness of many university teachers of English , eventually to such an extent that it significantly transformed the conditions of the discipline 's reproduction .
6 I should say that a , a lot of this information will be covered again during this course , what I 'm trying to do now is to bring together the the themes in a pathogenesis of infection that I introduced last week into the practical context of clinical infections .
7 Exploring ideas of motherhood can plunge us right into the heart of mystical philosophy as well as into the practical world of child rearing .
8 I do support this , which is Michael 's resolution because we should be looking at the financial costs and er going into the practical aspects of this and let's , let's face it er there are many aspects which are financially unviable and we should be aware of exactly where we stand on that .
9 She stepped up into the deep cool of the room .
10 Will German think-tanks ever go the way of some of their English-speaking counterparts , and plunge into the deep waters of ideology ?
11 We were on the starboard tack , fighting into the trades as we clawed our way out from the Bahamian shoals into the deep waters of the Atlantic .
12 Caroline jammed her hands into the deep pockets of her skirt .
13 It was like a wild , graceful leap in the air and they both disappeared momentarily into the deep water of the lake .
14 Reproachfully , Rosa dipped into the deep pot of olives and served a scoop of the waxy jade pebbles on to a dish and set it near Tommaso .
15 Richard was crying now , pressing his face into the deep folds of her skirt .
16 Charles shrank into the deep upholstery of the Rolls ' front seat .
17 Martin now leant his gun gently against the thick bush of the hedge behind which they were crouched and , putting his hand into the deep pocket of his overcoat , he drew out a flask , unscrewed the silver top , poured out a measure and handed it to Dick Smith , saying , ‘ It 'll stop the shivers . ’
18 Finniston admits that being plunged into the deep end of commercial decisions he inevitably made mistakes in the early stages , although he is not prepared to take the blame entirely .
19 I ran across one the other day that lifted me up on wings of heady prose , only to plunge me into the deep end of bathos .
20 As Schweitzer 's contemporary , the Roman Catholic Modernist , George Tyrrell , remarked , the biographers of Jesus ‘ looked into the deep well of history , and saw there only the reflection of their own faces ’ .
21 Only 15 months later , the participants in that match , which , it must be said , was not full of passion , are now presumably heavily engaged in destroying each other simply because they come from two sides of a divide that dates back to the tragedies , miseries and horrors of the second world war , back to the first world war and into the deep recesses of history before that time .
22 Beyond , the path was the same — empty in the darkening moonlight and leading gently downhill into the deep shadow of a grove of ilex trees .
23 From Beldi Hill and Crackpot Hall I walked below Buzzard Scar into the deep gash of Swinner Gill where more lead-mine workings , spoil heaps and ruined huts lent an air of sad majesty to the valley .
24 Even as she observed this , it did just that , slithered off the nail which supported it and plunged headfirst into the deep blue of the mantelpiece .
25 They had driven to the edge of the city , into the brittle mauve of dusk , lights starting up in buildings everywhere as if some vast signal beacon were slowly igniting .
26 The work is being carried out at Britain 's first centre for research into the economic value of drugs , based at Ninewells Hospital and Medical School , Dundee .
27 The bull 's head rhyton from the Bull 's Head Sanctuary at Knossos has a less conspicuous disc-shape carved into the black stone of its forehead : that too may be meant for a sun-disc .
28 And so the Hops Marketing Board , like free school milk and NHS orange juice , disappeared into the black hole of British social history .
29 Unfortunately , many of the ideas on which they are working simply disappear into the black hole of the Ministry of Agriculture . ’
30 If the e-data is allowed to disappear into the black hole of technical obsolescence , then the writing of history will fall into the hands of the ideological warlords of the company handout , the national curriculum and the aggressive myths of ethnic purity and cultural uniformity .
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