Example sentences of "into [noun sg] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No simple creatures of legend for Tallis Keeton — while the rest of us engender Robin Hoods and Green Jacks and golden-tressed princesses , you bring into existence the living earth .
2 On June 21 the congress formally voted into existence the Communist Party of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic .
3 Into that stream of pure gothic fiction there was eventually added the element of crime or suspected crime , thus bringing into existence the romantic suspense novel .
4 This brings into play the logical faculties of discrimination and selection which assimilate perceptual stimuli to previously encountered images on the basis of structural analogy .
5 It would seem that they are the molecules responsible for maintaining the harmonious , smooth running of the body 's many functions , stimulating the release of hormones when required , organizing healing and repair and bringing into play the complex workings of the immune system .
6 New tees lurked in the trees on several holes , and were skilfully placed to bring into play the same hazards which threatened the club players from their tees .
7 Luke grinned , throwing into contrast the tiny creases round his mouth , and at the corners of his eyes .
8 The new prosperity of ‘ industrious ’ Catalonia and ‘ opulent ’ Valencia threw into contrast the industrial decline that had left central Spain a backwater of artisan industry .
9 His stiff pose throws into contrast the dance-like arrangement of Bowler 's limbs .
10 Again , when the Irishman Scotus Eriugena , one of the two finest minds of the ninth century ( the other was Gottschalk , close student of Augustine 's works and initiator of the controversy on predestination ) , translated from Greek into Latin the Heavenly Hierarchy of Pseudo-Denis ( c .860 ) , he might at first sight have been engaged in something purely academic .
11 The episode threw into chaos the normal wage bargaining consultations and only after several months of discussions was a new system of work organisation finally thrashed out .
12 Once you come into contact with the other side you can drop down into command the individual tanks and engage in fast armoured conflict — the controls here do take some getting used to , although you can opt to assign either the driving or firing to the computer .
13 He managed furthermore discreetly to put into circulation the audacious proposal that he should be the first Governor-General of the two independent states .
14 The next step is to stop paying lip service to the theory and put into practice the long-held promise of meeting the needs and aspirations of users and carers .
15 When we turn from LETTERS to Sabbatical ( 1982 ) , the latter seems almost to have been written to put into practice the theoretical position laid down in ‘ The Literature of Replenishment ’ .
16 Three years ago when the new regulations came into force the then Secretary of State for Social Security said this means the end of the era of poverty .
17 Before the Act of 1989 came into force the inherent jurisdiction of the High Court with respect to children was usually exercised through the machinery of wardship .
18 It seems that it is being said that , with the onset of the campaigns , the Department feared a flood of ’ non-specific applications ’ and therefore withdrew the original regulations and laid new regulations , to come into force the following day .
19 On Sept. 24 , Gamsakhurdia declared a state of emergency — to come into force the following day — because " a military and civilian putsch is under way in the republic " .
20 The decision throws into confusion the single market for free trade between EC member states .
21 Yet even on the most charitable view of facts , one can hardly treat propositions like " Ruritania does not exist " as being on the same logical footing as any other synthetic true singular propositions without throwing into confusion the whole concept of existence .
22 My survival plan spun into action the other week with that hard-fought point against Northtown , and although we went down 4–1 against Clansford United I was not unduly worried — every well-oiled engine needs a little fine tuning .
23 This threw into opposition the ablest men in the army — the new officers whose liberal sympathies and patriotic energy had earned them rapid promotion in the War of Independence .
24 By cutting the state salaries of clergy and ending religious domination of education , the republican government pushed into opposition the near 25% of the Spanish population who were Catholics .
25 The eyes of Mr. Morrissey gleam with a missionary zeal that shames into submission the cringing doubts of those yet unconvinced .
26 Thus it was that we made use of every method in the book to fan into flame the natural resentment of the public against a big and unfair bully kicking a man when he was down .
27 3 Staff : ‘ The Agencies are putting considerable efforts into seeming what skills are needed and putting into effect the appropriate development programmes to ensure that their existing staff can meet them …
28 Accordingly the Bretton Woods Conference resulted in the formation of the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) and its associated articles of agreement , which put into effect the agreed views of the negotiators .
29 If you look at the social service budget , we are actually putting into effect the new Children 's Act legislation , which was absent from the Labour budget entirely .
30 These strange circumstances pushed into prominence the only Catholics who were not banned from attending the meeting .
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