Example sentences of "them into [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As the first one had managed to flutter down , it seemed that the rest should be able to do the same , but I judged it safer to load them into a cardboard box and lower them gently .
2 erm What you ca n't do is take somebody who really the very idea of computers , and turn them into a successful computer operator , because they will make mistakes , and having made mistakes they will be terrified and wo n't want to do it again .
3 Between 1840 and 1880 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels criticized and restructured the ideas they gleaned from all three sources , and combined them into a potent synthesis which they acclaimed as the first ‘ scientific socialism , .
4 A young man in an immaculate dark blue suit took over from the young woman who had met them at the elevator and led them into a vast room , furnished with antiques .
5 Whereas in management I take the raw clay of inexperience , then shape and mould it into a team of teapots , Vic had an old-fashioned approach , plucking players with natural ability and building them into a cohesive unit but where no player 's unique , individual flair was stifled .
6 This will prevent you ‘ losing ’ variations — as will happen if you just copy them into a new Suitcase file .
7 But there will be those who will grab the trends and steer them into a new direction .
8 Bill Mumford says you need climbing skills and it 's a challenge that takes them into a new realm … he says they are praying for dry weather … but it gets very cold … drops to minus twenty at night
9 Thus , it can be argued that the impact of the young Elvis Presley was due to the way in which , taking a range of pre-existing musical , lyric and performance elements , he rearticulated them into a new pattern set by the intersection and intermediation of certain images of class ( proletarian ) , ethnicity ( black/poor white ) , age ( ‘ youth ’ ) , gender ( male ) and nationality ( American South ) .
10 The aim of the three-to-seven-year leasing programme is to free 1,250 pubs from the brewers ' tie before the November deadline , rather than try to sell them into a depressed market .
11 Peter Mandelson , Patricia Hewitt and a number of other Fabian commentators could have behaved more courteously by addressing the Liberal Democrats by their full name instead of calling them Liberals ; Tony Blair could have had the courage to name them at all , instead of subsuming them into a vague phrase about building common cause with other parties ‘ around the world ’ .
12 ‘ Specially Arranged Music ’ refers to those scores where a musician , in collaboration with a choreographer , selects from the varied works of a particular composer and weaves them into a viable ballet score .
13 During the post-war period Hayek has drawn out some of the assumptions underpinning his economic theorizing and developed them into a general theory of society .
14 I do not try and cosset these over winter by placing them into a separate tank in the garage , reasoning that the survivors will be the toughest of the bunch and more likely to make up into sturdy adult fish : come spring , they are distributed to friends .
15 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that he has listened to hon. Members and representatives of people with disabilities who are worried that the additional room or larger property that they need to accommodate their disabilities might take them into a higher band and that he has decided that any such people should fall within one band lower than would otherwise be the case ?
16 Any small hope held out to her by circumstances , or by her lover , is as a wisp which she can spin and twist into a thread , and if she gathers enough of these her feelings tell her that she will be able to bind them into a strong rope .
17 These criticisms were ignored ( although delivered by persons of world-wide reputation such as Carl Sauer ) , received a hostile and defensive reaction , or were absorbed by transforming them into a technical issue — rather than facing them as a social and political one .
18 A heavy door swung open and a figure beckoned them into a warm lozenge of light .
19 Whatever the division among teachers about aspects of the new curriculum , most found that it has brought them into a closer relationship with the school library :
20 The replacements got their planes off the ground and Woolley marshalled them into a broad arrowhead , with Dickinson and Church out on the flanks .
21 Then he bundled them into a stolen car in their nightclothes .
22 Some researchers have attempted to capture the core meaning of words by decomposing them into a small set of ’ building blocks ’ known as semantic primitives [ Wilks 1973 ] .
23 She picked up her discarded clothes and threw them into a small bureau , scratched and marked by years of neglect .
24 I looked at what all those other glamour pusses produced and I thought , Edna , you can knock them into a cocked hat .
25 The recommended treatment for infested books is to put them into a sealed tin with a jar of paradichlorobenzine for a week .
26 Images , feelings and emotions are drained down the cords and into the hands of the Great Enchanter , who crushes them into a frail stream of dust , all that remains of the soul .
27 Flunkeys led them into a private part of La Noblesse where they were warmly greeted by an expansive Grunte , who presented the ladies with a flower and with grave courtesy showed each to her seat .
28 ‘ Coffee ? ’ asked Leary , showing them into a cool kitchen .
29 Pot up one or two strawberry plants for a special treat : bring them into a cool greenhouse or conservatory , watering sparingly .
30 Retirement , when it comes , hits these people unnecessarily hard , and can propel them into a downward spiral of lethargy and depression , leading to premature death .
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