Example sentences of "them [to-vb] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Maggie stared at him and Ana held out her hand , allowing them to see the glittering ring at last .
2 Staff sponsored them to wear the furry animal costumes to raise funds for the ‘ Make A Wish Appeal ’ which makes dreams come true for sick children .
3 Fans wrote letters to the band enthusing and it prompted them to include the rustic version on the CD , cassette and French version of the single .
4 If it is to put pressure on broadminded intellectuals to persuade their leaders to change their policies , it is having the opposite effect , and is causing them to support the nationalist government .
5 Sotion and Ps. -Aristotle quoted them to confirm the remote origin of philosophy outside the Greek world ; but the main argument was represented by Magi and Brahmans who had a better and older reputation among Greek thinkers and historians ( Diog .
6 It should not be too much to ask them to forgive the miserable uncertainty of a young man at Oxford 23 years ago , and it should not be impermissible to say that they are in the wrong if they refuse .
7 It was only with great effort that was able to get them to arrange the Open Door Schooling visit so that it was useful as a teaching exercise , instead of being a ceremonial procession through the commune .
8 Central government not only mapped out extended statutory territory for local councils to develop , but also provided a large financial incentive for them to cultivate the new territory .
9 This is the relevance of rules ; for the courts to embrace such an issue would be for them to breach the long-standing settlement with regard to the boundaries of parliamentary privilege ( see below , pp.113–19 ) and they would not do it .
10 It allows them to promote the false claim that the blacks are not fit to run South Africa when clearly they are still at each other 's throats .
11 It has been almost impossible for them to acquire the artistic infrastructure that should surround those works so that they can be seen in the right scholarship context .
12 The majority in the snail darter case thought that the best interpretation of the convention about statutes required them to enforce the literal meaning of the Environmental Protection Act unless it could be proved that Congress intended otherwise .
13 Following the reasoning of Longuet-Higgins and Tyler , we suggest that vertical disparities are best understood as a consequence of perspective viewing from two different vantage points and the results we report here show that the human visual system is able to exploit vertical disparities and use them to scale the perceived depth and size of stereoscopic surfaces , if the field of view is sufficiently large .
14 In a historic test case his parents Allan and Barbara , along with Airedale Regional Health Authority , are seeking a change in the law that would allow them to disconnect the feeding tube and let Tony die .
15 And Dearle claimed that in addition to the small scale of their work and the inexperience of their members , the committees also suffered from a difficulty in gaining the support of employers , especially in persuading them to grant the young worker time off for further education .
16 They had rounded up an excellent spoil of beasts , and would drive them to meet the main host at Birdoswald or thereabouts , in a short time .
17 The Mensheviks , convinced that only an early peace would enable them to consolidate the new regime , looked to the Stockholm conference in much the same spirit as did Ramsay MacDonald — to mobilize democratic forces in Western Europe to impose a negotiated peace on the warring states .
18 Their solitary life meant that they were in the forefront of the new mystical spirit of the fourteenth century , and through The Ladder of Perfection Hilton helped them to graft the new spirituality onto the old Benedictine pieties .
19 The navigator had survived with head injuries but the third crew member was O.K. I signalled to Athens asking them to designate the nearest airfield where I could pick up Brown and White in a Maryland .
20 Within the development zone new incentives need to be devised both to attract high calibre general practitioners and other primary health care workers to the inner city and to encourage them to provide the right kind of services .
21 They say it would allow them to provide the extra accomodation needed to house all their 300 undergraduates and are prepared to spend £5million buying and converting the building .
22 The French have gone a long way towards providing a road and water supply and members of the ‘ Pater Nostra ’ organisation are studying in Budapest , Vienna and Germany to obtain qualifications in medicine , physiotherapy , occupational therapy and other skills which will enable them to provide the day-to-day care of the residents in the future .
23 Responsible officials should use them to serve the public interest .
24 Asking them to recount the last incidence of the problem behaviour often helps .
25 This practical data must be successfully communicated to clients before they are invited to sign a contract , thereby committing them to purchase the new property .
26 Informed by critiques of the insufficiency of both the concept of ‘ the political ’ and hence , the orthodox measures by which political activities are estimated , the investigators have devised research techniques that enable them to explore the multi-faceted nature of political participation .
27 This brings them to explore the theoretical level of psychological discourse .
28 But to insist that women somehow amputate their love and compassion is to ask them to destroy the very thing which in my view favourably distinguishes us from men .
29 Matters have come to a head with the publication of a new and more detailed insurance group rating system which insurers say will enable them to pinpoint the higher risk models more accurately .
30 The success experienced by learners using word-processing enhances their self-confidence and very often motivates them to tackle the difficult task of handwriting ; it can be seen to extend both the volume and content of their written work .
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