Example sentences of "them [to-vb] [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Expect them to be hammered and they hold the eventual World Cup winners to a point : expect them to see off a side which had not won in the Championship for three years and they submit weakly .
2 God sent the Spirit of Jesus to his followers in order to equip them to carry on the mission of his Son in the world .
3 The Law Commission committee says that this principle is not good enough ; sellers should be under a legal duty to reveal everything they know and ought to know about their property — which would oblige them to carry out a survey before offering it for sale .
4 In execution of that policy it was proposed that a circular would be issued to all local authorities asking them to carry out a review of the curriculum in their areas in consultation with their schools and to report the results within about twelve months .
5 The government has also failed in its responsibility for the Health and Sa Safety Executive by restricting year after year adequate resources for them to carry out the function that they were designed for .
6 Two-thirds claimed that training had allowed them to carry out the farm work in less time and with a reduction in mental and physical effort .
7 For example , the psychological dilemmas of women 's two roles discussed in the late 1950s by Myrdal and Klein are said by them to affect only the minority of educated middle-class women .
8 Later , when we 're nearer completion , you might like to offer a free trip to the agents he recommends — get them to pass on the news to their customers .
9 As they poured in further canfuls , I encouraged them to work out the amounts mentally by rounding off £1.19 to £1.20 , and taking away 1p .
10 take better policy decisions by assisting them to work out the implications of their basic strategy in terms of policies in specific areas , to establish the relative priorities to be given to the different sectors of their programme as a whole , to identify those areas of policy in which new choices can be exercised and to ensure that the underlying implications of alternative courses of action are fully analysed and considered .
11 Students will appreciate the word-list ( over 800 terms with a phonetic transcription ) and the index of grammar exercises which enables them to find immediately a range of exercises on a number of key grammar points .
12 Previous experience of using visually stimulating material , encouragement to do so , interest in the task in hand , curiosity and enjoyment seem to play a part in the way that some pupils use even low levels of vision to help them to find out the things they are interested in .
13 I took on additional work in the Council , bullying them to set up a committee to draft out statutory requirements for caravan sites — which later became the basis for a Private Member 's Bill — and still had time to dig the vegetable garden and walk miles with the children , just for the pleasure of it .
14 This would enable them to set up a business on a more settled and permanent trading basis .
15 So I teach them to set up the carriages as if there were not a card in .
16 And it 's this that inspired the pair of them to set up the Thomas Appeal .
17 He told them to sort out the terrorists by whatever means they chose .
18 Will he instruct them to explore further the possibility of greater co-operation so that we can work , train and perhaps exercise with the Russian forces ?
19 The adventurers might have to find some information in Castle Drachenfels to enable them to track down the location of Ghal-Maraz , or they might have to ensure that the Great Enchanter remains safely dead and does n't enter the fray .
20 The idea is to get them to trust the staff and their peer group and get them to open up a bit .
21 The volume of consumption should be adjusted by altering taxes and social insurance contributions , raising them to dampen down a boom and cutting them at the beginning of a depression .
22 Soon Alejandro was venting his hangover on all the staff , yelling at them to tidy up the place and all the ponies .
23 This also encourages them to chase up the referees .
24 you know , below the shadow of both the next two properties , we shall , we shall , you know , just have a brick wall , and if they they just shifted the garage to one end and as far as I 'm concerned it 's an excuse for them to put up the power , that is ,
25 So as a sideline I managed to persuade them to put out an album of the more acoustic stuff .
26 The couple gave just a hint of the trauma they faced in an open letter thanking the press for allowing them to put together the pieces of their relationship in private .
27 Bakeman and Brown were hopeful , understandably , that their neat and powerful descriptions of early interaction would help them to predict how the children would perform later in their development .
28 They clamp the butt and place a weight near the tip which enables them to derive both a measure of the bending stiffness and the ‘ kickpoint ’ .
29 Pupils ' knowledge was studied by asking them to mark appropriately a diagram of a rectangle and its diagonal drawn in a dotted outline .
30 If they 're sick for seven days or less , you may want them to fill in a form saying so .
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