Example sentences of "them [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was a strange conversation , sleepily hostile , with both of them drained by the extravagant expenditure of passion that had gone before .
2 You will find them listed in the Yellow Pages .
3 Corbett stared at him and looked away , the tension between them broken by the Pictish leader who took Thomas by the hand , like a child with a parent , and led him into the largest house , beckoning Corbett to follow them .
4 Perhaps they are sheepish about the efficiency or integrity of their testing systems , and unwilling to have them exposed to the public scrutiny that would follow if the banned athletes chose to take the matter further in law .
5 Get yourself twelve songs — and have them transposed into the right key , for God 's sake .
6 They might have them frozen in the frozen bit , frozen gateaux and stuff
7 Also a hoard of 327 small coins was carefully sieved from the ash , most of them dated to the mid fourth century .
8 Latterly they looked increasingly obsolete when compared with the modern cars operated by Blackpool , and indeed most of them dated from the early years of the Century .
9 After the Beatles lost interest in him , the Maharishi made only occasional appearances in the headlines , most of them connected with the large sums of money his organisation was spending .
10 ‘ You write the specifications for her repairs , and I 'll guarantee to have them done at the best boatyard in America . ’
11 But because he was n't , I worked as hard as I could until dark , about night time , to get them done for the next day .
12 If , as Marland ( 1981 ) suggests , schools should develop new integrated subjects they will be faced with the task of getting them approved by the Secondary Examinations Council under the National Criteria for the various conventional subjects .
13 Even is these ‘ broadening ’ elements are not a formal part of an SVQ programme , candidates taking these modules will have them credited alongside the occupational SVQ units and modules on their Records of Education and Training .
14 Now Paul this is what I 've found out since you see , Paul erm said to them , Why suddenly this ? and he says , Oh we 've actually had them printed for the last two years but we 've never had the time to give them out .
15 He is at pains to assure us that he will do so We are privileged to share in these Machiavellian plans ( the word ‘ reach ’ has such connotations : ‘ overreach ’ is when the Machiavel attempts too much ) , and we see them fulfilled in the brilliant wooing scene that follows .
16 The staff were effectively divided into two tiers , with a third of them trained into the advice-giving role of financial consultants while the remainder , ‘ customer services representatives ’ , resumed the agent role of collecting premiums and other basic services .
17 I had them processed at the one-hour place , cost me a fortune but …
18 Some co-ordination was supplied by local Peace Councils , many of them affiliated to the National Peace Council , organizing a rich ferment of local Peace Weeks , Peace Exhibitions , Peace Pageants , Peace Demonstrations .
19 She told Richard a number of stories on the subject , some of them taken from the daily papers , and suggested that he might turn the matter over in his mind .
20 There is also a far greater chance of tackling the issues the schools feels are important and not having them lost in the large number of demands from outside .
21 She eventually found one who was also an art collector and paid him for operating on her with her own works of art , most of them created at the Fine Arts School of Dijon where she teaches .
22 He did n't want them jailed in the first place .
23 Although you may still find them on sale in the spring , they 're unlikely to be at their best by then so now is the time to buy them and get them planted before the bad frosts .
24 We want them improved for the coming year and certainly by the first year of the council tax .
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