Example sentences of "them [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Jinny remembered Bella 's words and understood them properly for the first time .
2 Every sunset the apes would return from their day 's foraging to sleep in the branches of this giant tree , and we were driven to distraction by our repeated attempts to film them properly in the few seconds after they arrived and before the sun set .
3 I admire them for being so up front about their religious activity because it puts them right in the front line against anti-Semitism . ’
4 They were not yet dry but she had no others apart from her best ones , so she pulled them on over the warm , dry woollen stockings into which she had changed upon coming in from the buildings .
5 I think both he and Weatherall are outstanding prospects , but need an ‘ old head ’ to bring them on over the next couple of years ( pity about O'Leary ) .
6 He urged them on through the mounting waves until they too reached the Rebecca , and he was able to ram one hole , fill it with pitch , then another , and another , round the hull beneath the overhang of the bows , in a rain of missiles , with fire sizzling around him , and his fellow fighters hanging on , hoping for the moment when the timbers would be ablaze .
7 The new novel has married the pair and moved them on into the mid-Sixties and from the provinces to London , where Patrick works misgivingly in a fashionable publishing-house .
8 I think it opens up the child 's awareness to what 's available and what 's coming erm moves them on into the next century really .
9 When they do use bricks here , they paint them brick red so you will know they are bricks , then they stick them on to the front outside walls as an ornamental display .
10 It has become a specialist in adding value to chemicals and selling them on to the major companies .
11 Republics collect taxes but are refusing to pass them on to the central government .
12 Hawkmoths , which are among the swiftest insect flyers capable of speeds of 50 kph , have reduced their hind wings very considerably in size and latched them on to the long narrow fore-wings with a curved bristle .
13 The goods always cost more than the mere monetary price ; and it is the object of the system to externalise these costs , by passing them on to the poor or to the impaired resource-base of the earth , and by inviting even the rich to live in collusive dissociation from the costs they , too , must pay .
14 It 's dragged a few graceful oddities away from comparing navel fluff in their garages and shoved them on to the European circuit .
15 He pulled off his work jeans and threw them on to the little pile in the corner .
16 The bodymaker passed the doors to the finishers , who in turn passed them on to the french polishers ; the doors then moved along to those whose work it was to hang them in position , the operations being so arranged that the polished door was completed just at the point where it was to be hung on the coach .
17 But their real function is to give people a chance to be famous for five minutes , by saying something that will get them on to the next news broadcast .
18 In every generation , REPRODUCTION takes the genes that are supplied to it by the previous generation , and hands them on to the next generation but with minor random errors — mutations .
19 Instead of getting rid of the programmes , they should sack the bosses who put them on in the first place .
20 Dressing apraxia refers to difficulty in putting on clothes ; the patient may manipulate them haphazardly , unable to relate them spatially to his own body , or he may be unable to put them on in the correct sequence .
21 It would be best to grow them on in the smaller tank as they are likely to be attacked , if not eaten , by the larger fish .
22 You did n't turn them on until the second part .
23 The French troops in Saudi Arabia moved up to Hafar al-Batin , some 100 km from the Kuwaiti border , placing them effectively in the front line .
24 At the meeting , it was decided that County , the underwriters Dillon Read and Phillips & Drew would take some of the remaining shares and then sell them slowly over the next few weeks , a move which had been discussed with County 's lawyers beforehand .
25 He reached beneath the saddle and dipped his fingers in the shelf of scented unguents , then began to smear them delicately about the tiny hole , pushing inward , the unguents working their magic spell , making the muscles relax .
26 As of the end of June 1991 at least six of these statutes were undergoing the process of appeal which would almost certainly bring them eventually to the Supreme Court , where any of them could serve as the occasion for the reversal of the 1973 landmark abortion rights ruling , Roe v. Wade .
27 Just as they were about to give up hope of finding their way a huge while wolf appeared , which instead of attacking them began to guide them skilfully through the dark wood .
28 He had always seen them somewhere in the medical field as well as on a rugby pitch .
29 He sent them all over the Islamic world to kill his enemies . ’
30 This is almost certainly because the decision to send them in during the later stages of the accident was political ( western-made robots might have been used instead , had the new Soviet leader , one Mikhail Gorbachev , been willing to let the West learn the extent of the disaster ) .
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