Example sentences of "them [prep] [adj] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 The other , more disturbing reading is that the Shakespearian phrases are made appropriate because the present situation reinterprets them in such a way that we are forced to wonder if a Burbank-Volupine situation was not just the sort of thing they were talking about all along .
2 Many of us will remember their enthusiasm for the work of the Lord and the joy that they had in the fact that God should use them in such a way .
3 The ideological demand that communists should seek to improve the accommodation of the people was subordinate to the aspiration to house them in such a way as to make it easier to supervise them and mould them as the Party saw fit .
4 And erm should you go round them in such a way that erm is making it more difficult for you and more difficult for other people ?
5 A deconstructive reading of this kind , then , will take the metaphysical , logocentric oppositions at work in a text , reverse them , and then question them in such a way as to ‘ neutralize ’ them .
6 This project will also attempt to establish just how information from the two modalities converge by systematically manipulating them in such a way as to disrupt the normal manner of combining them .
7 And I 'm going to suggest , without going into great detail , that the media will actually help you promote your products , your organization , your services , your views , the information you need to share with the public , if in fact you can actually present it to them in such a way that they can use it .
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