Example sentences of "them [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 East Germany had agreed to give them papers allowing them to go to the country of their choice , and they were expected to leave Poland ‘ in the very near future ’ .
2 ‘ Team Toyota Europe want them to go to the Safari and they ca n't put off a decision much longer .
3 You can compel them to go to the polling station and even to put an official election slip into the ballot box but that slip could be blank or spoiled , so what would be achieved ?
4 Night waking Some professionals suggest that parents should wake their children at certain times during the night to get them to go to the lavatory .
5 He threw a bottleful of his pills into the kitchen sink and tried to get them to go down the drain with the handle of a dishmop .
6 You 'd think it would be totally alien for them to go in the water like that .
7 Rose , laughing , took the gloves away as he pretended to need them to wear about the house .
8 Corbett thought it was mere drunken bravado when one of them lunged across the table and uproar ensued as food , cups and flagons of wine and ale were sent sprawling .
9 There were three of them seated in the wardroom , Talbot , Van Gelder and Grierson .
10 But the motive for praying for the saints is to equip them to minister in the world .
11 Matilda took the knife she had been eating with , and all four of them crept towards the dining-room door , the father keeping well behind the others .
12 The three of them rode to the bank of the river , dismounted , then slipped quickly through the underbrush .
13 Micro Focus plc this week is supposed to announce a new client/server OLTP Transaction System that will let customers emulate CICS and help them migrate from the mainframe to a client/server environment .
14 But , who let them loose in the launderette
15 The fact that my slimmers felt so much healthier encouraged them to continue on the diet while they were losing weight and it became clear that they had no intention of falling back in to their old habits .
16 But some , such as the Portuguese man-of-war ( Physalia ) and the velella , have sacs full of gas , which enable them to float on the surface , trailing their poisonous tentacles to catch fish that come to browse in the surface water .
17 In a pond the temperature variations which occur from day to night will affect the buoyancy of the fish 's swimbladders , causing them to float to the water surface or sink to the bottom .
18 This caused them to sink into the ground until the crossbar was only two inches above the grass .
19 If you choose one of these kinds of carpets they should be laid on the paper to stop them sticking to the floor .
20 The bomb-bay of a Mosquito was too small to accommodate so large a bomb , and they had to carry them slung underneath the fuselage with the bomb doors open .
21 Accepting that " if the Slovaks want to live in an independent state , they have the right to do so " , he said nevertheless that he saw " no indication " that a majority of Slovaks wanted to secede , and he urged them to remain within the federation and not to succumb to " nationalist narrowmindedness " .
22 Paradoxically , the widespread availability of part-time employment for women may enable them to remain in the labour market , even while providing substantial levels of care , whilst men appear more likely to have to choose between full-time employment and stopping work altogether ( see Green , 1988 , Table 2.9 ; Parker , 1992 ) .
23 Already their father had given an indication of his deep displeasure by ordering all three of them to remain in the room throughout the ceremony .
24 Another result is that firms make ‘ supernormal ’ profits ( profits in excess of those necessary to induce them to remain in the industry ) at consumers ' expense .
25 Mothers are all right , I suppose , you 'd miss them fussing about the place , but ould fellows are like that hind tits of a cow – no good for use or ornament .
26 In particular , as the discount houses were obliged to take up the whole of the weekly offering of Treasury bills by the Bank , the Bank could , by deliberately overissuing Treasury bills , leave the discount houses short of cash balances and force them to borrow from the Bank .
27 I have just received notice via our agent , Mr John Popham , whom I believe you know , that Newport Borough Council and Gwent County Council are preparing to apply to the Secretary of State for Wales for an Order under the above Act to enable them to proceed with the construction of a barrage across the river Usk .
28 Then dropping not one , but two balls will be an effective strategy because the gravitational forces acting on them converge toward the centre of the Earth as in Fig. 2.1 .
29 The granaries were completed and provided with an imposing portico fronting the street ; an imperial dedication jointly to Septimius Severus , Caracalla and Geta from one of them refers to the construction by an unknown legionary vexillation during the governorship of Alfenus Senecio .
30 If women want to be in the home then certainly let them stay in the home .
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