Example sentences of "when she have [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It had been taken when she had been presented to King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra earlier in the year .
2 The object in question was Franca 's divan bed , the one she had slept on in the upstairs spare room when she had been looking after Patrick .
3 Suddenly , when she had been lost to everything , alarm bells went off again as the sound of someone knocking on her bedroom door penetrated her thoughts .
4 In the long hours when there were no customers to show she was expected to lend a hand with some of the unskilled tasks — running errands and making tea , unpicking a seam or a hem , even sewing on a button or a hook and eye when she had been taught the proper way to do it .
5 The poor woman had died when she had been bombed in the blitz .
6 That incident so many years ago when she had been punished for the supposed loss of the ring was etched indelibly in her mind .
7 When she had been strapped back on to the bed beside a tray of sinister-looking instruments in the medical centre , Benny had tensed her muscles as best she could , before the guards had fixed the buckles and left .
8 For this purpose she was admitted to a specialist residential unit for children and adolescents under the care of Dr. M. , a consultant psychiatrist whom she had first met when she had been referred to the family consultation clinic in 1987 .
9 It had not been fully dark when she had been flying .
10 He and Jennifer had been engaged to be married , then when she had been diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis he had left her and gone to Australia to work .
11 When she had been wrestling with him she had used the foul language common among gypsies .
12 Perhaps Ruth had done something especially stunning , as when she had been made chief maid of honour to the school 's May Queen .
13 ‘ It is n't every man who approves of women having ambition , ’ Ashley remarked a touch cryptically — for when she had been made a director several of her male colleagues had found it very hard to handle .
14 Until that moment Evelyn had not realized exactly what had taken place when she had been let down from over the machine .
15 It went back to her childhood when she had been teased by her schoolmates about her stammer .
16 She was lifted bodily aboard by two sailors and carried down to a panelled cabin where she and Maria Candida were to live during the voyage ; and when she had been helped out of her clothes and into simpler garments that were more suited to life on board ship , she insisted upon going on deck to watch from the aftercastle as the mariners sang at the capstan and the anchors were weighed .
17 In the launderette it was warm and cosy ; here Maggie made friends and fans and she had inconsequential conversations which mysteriously made her a member of the local community in a way she had never been when she had been fighting for the area 's well-being .
18 All through the first part of the interview — the crazy part , when she had been talking about seeing her son in the house — Hank had been telling the straight truth .
19 Ven swiftly reassured her , and — even while it was dawning on her how he was accepting her ‘ no ’ without question when she had been giving him a ‘ yes , yes , yes ’ for the past five minutes , he was reaching for her wrap .
20 A man serving in the R.A.F. wrote to say that he was deeply indebted to the doctors and nurses who had looked after his wife when she had been admitted with a complicated confinement , which had needed an operation .
21 Already , when she had been making the tea , the first exhibit of the day had arrived , brought in no doubt by a detective constable working on the case .
22 She lived in a dream of love from the moment that he had bowed over her hand when she had been introduced to him by Daisy Warwick at Warwick Castle , and murmured , ‘ Not an American Princess , surely , but a true one , ’ and later that evening , dancing with her for the third time , he had said into her ear , ‘ And can a princess stoop to a mere marquess ? ’
23 She was given a parasol against the sun and when she had been shown how to recline in the litter , six dark-faced bearers lifted her up and began trotting barefoot through the city with guards running before and behind .
24 Yet even when she had been paid he would still have about double his normal wage — ten shillings , or even less in this village when the contract was drawn up about eighty years ago ; and there were the allowances in addition .
25 It had seemed a good idea at the time , a bit of expensive and unusual fun with some of her friends , and sure , she had been intrigued when she had been told that she should beware of her fiery nature 's setting alight a situation which would become frighteningly uncontrollable , but that was three days ago .
26 ‘ I thought so too , ’ Jenna murmured , trying to get her agitated breathing under control , quite sure that this was doing her no good at all when she had been told to go very carefully for a while .
27 She dealt with his query and recalled how , when she had been going over everything Naylor had said , including his certainty that someone else must be chipping in to pay her mortgage , she had got round to accepting that she just could not afford to go on living where she was .
28 When she 'd been selected , and automatically compelled to leave the Navy , taking an appointment at a civilian hospital , he 'd told himself that it was his duty to visit her to see that she was settled in … not lonely .
29 Even when she 'd been helping in the kitchen she 'd found her eyes straying , as if magnetised , in his direction .
30 She still did n't know what had happened when she 'd been put through to the room .
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