Example sentences of "when it [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the ordinary Panamanians who gave the general such a stinging defeat in May 's annulled elections were astonished that the US allowed the coup to collapse when it had 12,000 troops stationed around the canal .
2 You were late getting in your order for the film ( though you swear the office forgot to send it on ) so on the appointed day , when it is n't there , you have to cobble something else together — and then show the film , when it arrives four weeks later , in the middle of a block of work to which it does not relate .
3 Sainsbury won much publicity when it appointed former Friends of the Earth director Jonathan Porritt to be its environmental policy adviser .
4 So , next Tuesday and Wednesday , Christie 's in Amsterdam expects a full turnout of buyers when it sells 28,000 pieces of Chinese porcelain from a burnt-out junk shipwrecked around 1690 off Con Dao Island , Vietnam .
5 When it began three years ago , Anis used its own brand name .
6 DEC quit looking for an Alpha RISC second source when it became apparent foundries were n't willing to make the kind of investment needed without knowing whether the thing was really going to take off , says Electronic News .
7 The basic problem for the Emperor was that while France needed Britain it was not at all clear to British statesmen that their country had any need of France — except when it suited British interests .
8 The House was , as I recollect it , in a rather more highly charged mood than is usual when it discusses European matters .
9 The research is a learning process and is most productive precisely when it changes prior views and expectations .
10 The rows may be triggered by a seemingly trivial incident , but it is not felt as trivial when it symbolizes past conflicts and needs .
11 It may be argued that there is nothing too morally reprehensible about this in many areas of our public life : but when it affects life-and-death issues , such as Northern Ireland , the idea of making legislation on internment , for example , subject to back-room bargains struck at Westminster , is one which would stick in the throats of many voters .
12 In some respects this is good when it means such topics as non-aqueous solvents are covered , but bad when the reader searches this chapter in vain for information about new solvents .
13 However , in August Saudi Arabia dealt the government a severe blow when it established diplomatic relations with the mainland .
14 Taking the radical students ' ideals at face-value one might have expected them to see this incident as yet another example of oppression by a fascist regime and protest against it — after all , they protested enough when it used such methods against its own people .
15 This early class endured a miserable existence in damp , cramped circumstances and when it outgrew these premises , it moved into a building in Gem Street which although much larger was equally gloomy , dark and ugly .
16 When it moves any models in its path are run over , sustaining a strength 7 hit unless they can jump out of the way .
17 He dispatched a police patrol car , but when it arrived 16 minutes later the telephone was swinging on the end of its cord .
18 Time itself is finite — a government will not devote it to passing less desirable and more controversial laws when it has better things to do with its time .
19 In May , 1991 , the Digital Information Group 's Software Industry Bulletin reported that SelecTronics expects to report a ‘ significant loss ’ for its financial year ended 31 March and that it is restructuring its business so that it manufactures handheld devices only when it has firm orders from its distribution channels .
20 Bristol Crown Court has heard how Mrs Lorraine Hurkett , 26 , and her daughters Sharon , four , and Lisa , two , died after being struck by Flook 's Vauxhall Nova when it jumped red lights .
21 The UK government will issue health warnings about low-level ozone pollution only when it reaches 200 parts per billion — more than twice the safety threshold of 75 parts per billion set by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) .
22 In this respect Ferguson thought that the Warner Bros film was a good indication of what could be achieved by Hollywood when it tackled social problems honestly and he summed it up by returning to one of his favourite points about Hollywood that ‘ even half a loaf on the national stomach is at least nourishment taken in ’ .
23 Rubin , the designers of all Soviet nuclear submarines , says leakage of plutonium from corroded nuclear torpedoes is not expected to start until 1995 or 1996 , but when it starts strong currents could disperse the contamination over distances of up to 100 kilometres .
24 It is least successful when it makes stereotypical assumptions about women : that they behave in certain ways because they are mothers , or because they do n't work outside the home , for example .
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