Example sentences of "when [pers pn] [verb] like [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When I get like that , I get my urge to shout .
2 I hate it when I get like this .
3 a frozen shoulder in each , when I go like that in bed , ooh it 's terrible .
4 You blink a lot when I go like that .
5 Someone told me afterwards that when I went like that
6 ‘ Tell me more about how this made you feel ’ , and ‘ What did you do when you felt like that ’ , give counsellees permission , and perhaps a feeling of safety , to talk further about themselves .
7 I wo n't deny I find you damn near irresistible when you plead like that , but I do n't think my ego could take a repeat of last time . ’
8 ‘ You really are a lioness when you growl like that !
9 Well yeah cos when you think like that if they do pack up he 's got no no nothing .
10 He said : ‘ You make me shiver when you talk like that .
11 ‘ You scare me when you talk like this , ’ she said .
12 You give yourself away when you kiss like that .
13 She was smiling , she knew ; oh , this was the opposite of " her look " , when she felt like this , as if she 'd drunk an extra-fine distilled essence of danger , and could have stepped out among the stars or run thirty miles .
14 She would rather stand outside the door all day long than face Mademoiselle when she looked like that .
15 He was certain to ask her to dance when she looked like this !
16 She is a very small person , Charlotte , and not a beautiful woman ; but when she smiles like that , her face shines like a fine painting .
17 when I watch it now I get scared , especially the bit when she goes like that and he goes aargh I get , I get scared .
18 You 'll have to break yourself of the habit of bobbing up and down every time my daughter appears , especially when she looks like this . ’
19 Dana was bewitching when she smiled like that and Roman did n't seem at all annoyed by her persistence .
20 When we love like this the passion and the glory is within , querida . ’
21 Yeah , it 's a shame when they get like that though , then to be put in a home .
22 I tell you what make the most of it while he 's a baby cos when they get like this
23 I want to say to them , when they talk like that , well , where do you go in the evenings ?
24 Both Seve and Irwin played badly in the third round , but you 're never going to do a good score at Lytham when it feels like three degrees below freezing and there 's a gale blowing , are you ?
25 I tried to leave him once when he got like this .
26 He often stole down to the kitchen when he felt like that .
27 Still , he looked fine when he smiled like that , almost handsome , with his wide mouth and perfect teeth .
28 Oh , why did he have to look so irresistibly handsome when he smiled like that ?
29 When he serves like that you can not get to the ball , ’ said the Swede .
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