Example sentences of "when [pers pn] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 When I ask for a carrot now mummy I , I 'll just have a big feast .
2 ‘ I have to walk to the bus stop , and when I wait for the bus there 's some of them slag me off and they push you about .
3 And I 'll bring up your bottle when I come for the tray . ’
4 When I go for a night session I make sure to arrive well before darkness , usually around 7.30 p.m. or 8 p.m. in summer , when dusk does not fall until 10 p.m. or so .
5 It was a big disappointment to me that when I applied for the news editor 's job , I did n't get it .
6 And there was prejudice once when I went for a job .
7 But er I did go with Con when I went for a perm she said oh would you like to , would you like to go and see Valerie
8 Vocals went straight down with only the minimum of top end EQ to keep them sharp , and when I went for the final mixdown I have to say I was amazed at how big a sound was coming back from the monitors .
9 When I went for the bread-soda she was patting his headache away , and the scones must be cooked by now . "
10 When I went for the paper this morning there was this dog , two dogs actually , but one
11 They looked at me apprehensively when I asked for a drink of cider or wine .
12 If the code is kept under review , is there any intention to issue an updated version with any alterations to the 1987 edition which is the one that was supplied to me when I asked for a copy ?
13 A young man wearing a yarmulka skullcap and sitting astride a roaring tractor wiped his brow with his arm when I asked for the location of Um Al-Farajh .
14 Hospital appointments seemed to go on for ever and when I left for the Sahara , I forgot to cancel one of them .
15 I dropped it when I left for the realm .
16 ‘ I remember being fascinated by the story when I worked for a while in the Royal Library .
17 When I worked for the Daily Telegraph , the editor , Bill Deedes , would say that he never missed the letters column of the Guardian .
18 when I pay for a paper I want it to be complete , so I want that piece and I want that , that piece .
19 Well you 're going to have to because when I pay for a paper , I want it to be complete , so I want that piece and I want th that piece , no wait a minute , where is it ?
20 When you apply for a job , your prospective employer will ask you to produce this card so that he may be satisfied of your eligibility to practise .
21 To have self-confidence is great and it helps when you apply for a new job , but to eat up your seed corn because you 're sure all will turn out for the best is foolhardy .
22 When you apply for a grant , be it by way of proving a will or of administration which is when there is an intestacy , part of the er documentation is an oath where you swear as to the size of the estate .
23 When you apply for the NatWest Hospital Income Plan before the close date .
24 It 's designed to fit neatly in a pocket while you listen — and it 's yours absolutely FREE when you apply for the NatWest Hospital Income Plan before the date shown on your Application Form .
25 Next , when you apply for the job ask the employer to provide a job description that will answer most of the questions .
26 In real terms it can be a large sum to pay ( £700 — £1400 on a £70,000 sale ) so think carefully when you budget for a move .
27 Halfway through a d-i-y job , when you reach for a screwdriver , do you always seem to find the right tip and size on the last you pick up ?
28 ‘ Down at Atholl , when you went for the new blades , ’ his wife answered from beside the fireplace .
29 When you act for a buyer , always go through the answers you receive to your preliminary enquiries , search and additional enquiries made of the local authority , marking each of these with a tick if it is satisfactory , or with a cross if it is not , or if it requires further elucidation .
30 Here are some points on this agenda when you act for a seller , mortgagor or lessor .
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