Example sentences of "when [pron] went into the " in BNC.

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1 He said : ‘ When I went into the Leeds dressing room to say kick-off had been delayed , the reaction of their management and players was not as I believe it should be .
2 I could n't believe it when I went into the shop and saw hundreds of milk bottles scattered everywhere .
3 Er one of my worst experiences actually was going to school and found that when we walk when I went into the classroom there was only me and two other children .
4 When I went into the shop people were tripping over themselves and banging into things and I could hear them saying : ‘ That 's Geoffrey Boycott — Geoffrey Boycott , sat in that car . ’
5 When I went into the room there was this massive pedestal set up , smothered in red with a big throne and red velvet drapes .
6 There were several cars in the drive and when I went into the house I saw that Mrs Rumney had a few people in for drinks ; people like herself — upper class and of obvious refinement .
7 I was Mr Anthony Evans when I went into the Palace .
8 Er this night he was , when I went into the byre in the morning Charlie was n't there .
9 When I went into the house , the domestics refrained from looking at me .
10 I was a witness and so on you see and down below and the sergeant said to me , the sergeant came up and said to me , you 'll have to be careful because he said that boy , he was sitting there with his mother , poor woman , all in black and er the em the boy 's employer had got a solicitor on his behalf , you see , and I said well I can only speak through and say what happened , that 's all I can do and er , so of course when I went into the witness box this man came and er asked me all sorts of questions .
11 When I went into the can we play ?
12 Dorothy waited patiently and had her moment of triumph when someone went into the back of his car at a traffic light — clearly his fault for not getting a move on quicker .
13 When you went into the shop to buy , he would take out a tray , give the toffee a tap with a small silver-plated hammer , put a fair size piece into the palm of his hand and tap away to produce chewable sized pieces .
14 When you went into the er higher grade , then you got jotters , because you had homework , so you 'd homework to do and you 'd , therefore , books .
15 But added to that , when you went into the bedroom , there was the normal wardrobe and the dressing table and the chest of drawers .
16 ‘ What would you know ? ’ demanded Thomas , the under-footman , jealous that it had been she who had found the body when she went into the bedroom with the morning tray of tea and biscuits .
17 But when she went into the kitchen there was no sign of the witch 's hat .
18 Not so when she went into the shop , carrying the family chicken-feed tin , to whisper , ‘ Pet-a-torn , please . ’
19 ‘ You look as though you 've enjoyed yourself , ’ Laura said when she went into the kitchen .
20 When she went into the rest room she sat down for a minute while waiting for Peggy to come out of the lavatory .
21 When she went into the kitchen , Philip was there , and she knew from his manner that he had something to say .
22 They should not feel aggrieved at her asking for money ; when she went into the cold hall she felt that it would not give her back much , if anything .
23 And when she went into the garden all she could see were some fading lupins and irises , not enough to fill one vase .
24 When she went into the bedroom to get her suitcase , she found Damian Flint , chairman of the board , standing at the window in a grey Savile Row suit , his face hard and remote , gold watch-chain glittering across his formal waistcoat .
25 The first course was on the table when we went into the dining-room .
26 I had been listening to a lot of songs in very different styles , quite consciously , to try to get a little more inspiration for when we went into the studio .
27 He over-valued the pound when we went into the ERM and , coupled with his insistence of achieving zero inflation , that is destroying industry , jobs , homes , families and any chance of rebuilding Britain for a better future .
28 No wonder I could n't quite believe it when we went into the top entrance of OFD II and it opened into wide open spaces where it was easy to walk at full height .
29 Unfortunately when we went into the shop to buy his gift we met a couple of his ex-girlfriends who insisted on coming along to remind him of the girls he is leaving behind , and to present him with a small , but wonderfully-packaged gift , a token of our friendship .
30 And I know it 's difficult to get people motivated when they 've been hit down and hit down so often , er but and I do n't think that you could do er any great erm as as we said when we went into the flats , we did n't go in with any big , world shattering ideas of of causing a revolution or you know , of doing er putting on a big project or anything , it was actually to be with the people in their situation and gradually to help improve somehow , if we could .
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