Example sentences of "when [pron] have first [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She laughed the same way as when I 'd first seen her .
2 well yeah now , but you , you were saying this , we , we had this conversation when I 'd first got here , before any of this started to happen
3 When I had first heard of my appointment to Stornoway I had been elated at the prospect of leaving a somewhat dull routine existence down south .
4 I remembered that when I had first come to live with Jean-Claude , I had learnt to hear him thinking , and how I had not lost this gift but came to enjoy the sound of his inner voice much less .
5 When I had first read The Idea of a Christian Society , I was at once struck by the compatibility of some of Hardy 's remarks on the role and function of the Anglican Church with Eliot 's own views .
6 When I had first arrived I had seen a couple of press people milling around , but now there seemed to be a whole platoon of them , cameras at the ready .
7 Or perhaps earlier when someone had first suggested Morocco , and she had thought of it as somewhere different but not too far from Spain .
8 Preferably , you should use the front kick only when you have first moved out of line and the opponent is unable to respond powerfully .
9 Compared to this , the look of anger he had worn when she had first met him in the garden was merely one of passing irritation .
10 It was strange , she thought , that her physical response to shock should be the same now as it had been after Hugo was killed , so that to her present grief was added a grief for him as keen , as new as when she had first heard that he was dead .
11 Who would have thought when she had first seen him in England that he would drag her into his life , order her about , kiss her ?
12 As she stretched out an arm to switch off the light she saw , on the marble-topped bedside table , the book which had been open on the bedcover when she had first visited the house .
13 She began to feel young and amazingly pretty , like she had felt all those years ago when she had first emerged from the chrysalis of self-conscious adolescence to spread her butterfly wings .
14 She went in the opposite direction from the rock drawings , her planned destination when she had first conceived her scheme .
15 She was nineteen , the age Maria had been when she had first felt the power of Luke 's attraction , and Maria regarded her with ironic envy , wishing she could have reacted as insouciantly , her awe and admiration as impersonal as Penny 's , Luke confined to some remote pedestal along with other out-of-reach heroes , contact undreamed-of .
16 She did n't know but what she did know was that Fernando would n't do anything to hurt anyone … only herself , as he had threatened when she had first arrived here at the lovely Casa Pinar .
17 When she had first plied her trade as a child prostitute , she had always been embarrassed by their silent knowing stares .
18 She was almost sure that if somebody had asked her about all this business when she had first woken in the back of the vehicle , she could , despite her pain and discomfort , have replied .
19 When she had first known him , the glossy curls had been ruthlessly cut into a very short , severe style that would have suited very few men , but looked exactly right with his strong features .
20 From one she extracted the brown exercise book , more creased and folded than when she had first set eyes on it a quarter of an hour or so before .
21 There was a good , steady wage , and a proper job was more than she had ever hoped for when she 'd first noticed the advertisement written in felt-tip in the corner of one of the windows .
22 Even Benny had looked green when she 'd first seen it , and Benny had had time to get used to the idea .
23 Mr Gibbon had been an industrialist whose firm had employed the ad agency which Aunt Ilsa had worked for when she 'd first moved to London .
24 When she 'd first moved in she had n't cared about anything , certainly not her surroundings — they had been the least of her problems — and if the villagers had n't so kindly donated her furnishings she 'd probably still be existing in empty rooms .
25 You know when er the fir when we went up to Edith 's , when she 'd first moved in , for
26 Very fat , stouter even than when she 'd first arrived , with a great soft moon face and little spectacles which looked lost .
27 When she 'd first qualified in forensic medicine he 'd been a young sergeant .
28 But when we 're getting near the answer , or when we 've first got the question and we 're trying to think about it .
29 While they had shared championship success when they had first met , after a split of four years it was their second era together that brought the ultimate honour for them both — the 1987 Open Championship title .
30 Brightly lit as on a stage , she saw the bodies still , more garish , more brightly lit than when they had first met her horrified eyes .
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