Example sentences of "when [pron] go [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 I put in me bag when I go up the school and I had the little microphone hanging out .
2 So when I go round the garden , I carry two containers : a bucket for compostable weeds , and a plastic bag for those perennials with tough tools that might survive .
3 It 's the same when I go round the schools .
4 An' if you mus ' know I like wearin' nice clothes an' I like the way boys look at me when I go down the schtreet an' I like to look sexy an' I like lipstick an' showin' meself off an' all that I enjoy it .
5 We arrived quite late on our first night and , when I went downstairs the next morning the waitress showed us to our table and said : ‘ Good morning , I think you were arriving at eleven o'clock last night . ’
6 When I was walking past the marsh one , one night , when I was on my way back from school I heard a rus rustling noise behind a bu bush , when I went up the , went up first to the bush a big dragon-like thing jumped out from behind the bush , it gave me such a fright I nearly fainted .
7 could n't tell you but er these cars turned up erm , there were n't no hearse and off they went and er course when I went up the garden to get some washing in Claire came up and er anyway she said er about Mr and I said well I assume it was him , I saw Mrs and she starts on about this dog barking out in the garden again !
8 anorexic , I thought my mum was anorexic when I went home the other day .
9 I sang down the Bottom Club , so when I went down the next week the manager said I 've just been waiting for you , I 've been waiting for you to come in he said so he said , look the group ca n't come he said , will you sing ?
10 Oh I , when I , when I went there the next morning I had to tell all in front of the class and tell all the kids .
11 ‘ But when I went back the next day , I was told the two shops were no longer connected .
12 I went upstairs to see the bloke in my bed and I thought this is lucky it was three bloody dogs in your garden when I went out the other night .
13 and she goes why , I goes well every time I got , when I went out the other night and when I come in the other night there was Helena with her arms round Andrew , so it 's not that I , I 'm worried about it but I just think it 's a bit tarty of her cos she 's fancies the pants off Pete and as soon as my back 's turned and Pete is n't there she 's all over Andrew .
14 Your leg is still trailing when you go over the bar .
15 ‘ There 's no bump when you go over the equator .
16 And when you go down the aqua slide
17 When we went down the south of France we saw lizards like that on the walls .
18 When we went out the sun had come out and the horses ' coats shone like black silk .
19 ‘ She 's got to look nice for when we go up the hospital to see my little boy . ’
20 I shut Ben in the conservatory now when I go out through the week , we just put him in the garage when we go out the weekend
21 When everything goes well the captive , securely roped and sandwiched between two tame elephants , is led back to camp without serious difficulty .
22 New York-based Computer Outsourcing Services Inc , which said it wanted to make acquisitions when it went public the other day , has signed a definitive agreement to acquire a private New York-based provider of billing and payroll services to companies in the home health care industry on a four-year earnout .
23 What he does , when he goes out the , to put a
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