Example sentences of "when [verb] as [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever , Mitchell 's remark suggests how , even when recognized as a fact of culture rather than biology , sexual difference remains fairly absolute within psychoanalytic theory .
2 Is it sensible to consider that this natural intelligence or healing power would produce a situation that was without a purpose , for which no reason existed and which was harmful to the person when considered as a whole ?
3 For example , operating decisions regarding the range of products to be made and sold would normally be made prior to the completion of the functional and master budgets , but these decisions when considered as a whole within the budgeting framework may be reconsidered and amendments made to the range .
4 Martin ( 1984 ) and Meager ( 1984 ) both pointed out that , when considered as a proportion of gross as opposed to net job loss , redundancy was not the dominant process .
5 the no profit rule — a conglomerate , when acting as a fiduciary must not make a secret profit from his position without first obtaining the consent of the principal and disclosing the profit ;
6 a duty of undivided loyalty — although the exact extent of this duty is uncertain , it may be argued that a conglomerate , when acting as a fiduciary , must not place itself in a position where its duty to one client conflicts with that of another client .
7 When acting as a representative of HCIMA the interests of the association should be paramount to personal or employers ' interests .
8 When acting as a lead adviser in respect of an acquisition of a private company or business by a listed company there is the normal requirement for due diligence , the coordination of which may fall within the deal management role .
9 Each reflects something of the period and quality of the music , the period being of the time when written by the composer or when presented as a ballet and the quality being that inspired in the choreographer by the composer .
10 As we shall argue later , such generalised and monolithic views of the legal system are inadequate descriptions of reality , particularly when advanced as the basis of political action .
11 A strong infusion made with 50g/ 2oz hyssop to 600ml/1 pint/2/½ cups of water makes an excellent home remedy for sore throats when used as a gargle .
12 Now it is possible to write down a sequence of matrices unc Mr ( r is usually n or n + 1 , depending on the variant employed ) which when used as a chain to premultiply A , condense it to the unit matrix , so that unc which evidently implies unc The numerical procedure is to operate successively on 91 ) ; given A we can write down M1 and we evaluate unc so that ( 1 ) becomes unc Knowing B we can now write down unc and form unc and so on , until R is obtained .
13 The advantages in the use of cylinder-type batteries are that such batteries have no snap terminal to splay or fold under , and they have more stamina when used as a group than an equivalent voltage single PP3 .
14 Coats of arms are described according to rules known as blazon , a term which when used as a noun is a description in words of a coat and , when as the verb ‘ ( to ) blazon ’ , the act of so describing .
15 When used as a counterchange this is the columnated classical tradition .
16 In winter months P17 is very effective when used as a wrap around delicate shrubs or containerised plants which have to be over-wintered outside .
17 Reductions in taxation are therefore a two-edged sword , when used as a device to create jobs .
18 The drug is a safe and effective painkiller when used as an anaesthetic but can be lethal in capsule or tablet form .
19 It nevertheless seems likely , since increasing numbers of tablets make sense when interpreted as a form of Greek , that Michael Ventris was right .
20 When called as a witness Mrs Wilson said : ‘ I did n't do anything to retaliate or to provoke that attack .
21 For celibacy is only really intelligible when understood as a demand of love .
22 But when recognised as an interpretation of top weighting , their methods are basically similar to those of fine artists who seek monumentality in their works .
23 The acronym DIY ( = Do It Yourself ) when spoken as a word produces something like/di:j/ , which is unacceptable .
24 While this gives great diversity to his work , something that Wordsworth would not be able to achieve , it means that it is quite conceivably contradictory when viewed as a whole .
25 The court looks at the whole circumstance of the transaction and considers whether the true nature of the transaction when viewed as a whole is that it is a disguised dividend .
26 Reliance on such considerations is justified if and to the extent that they enable authorities to reach decisions which , when taken as a whole , better reflect the reasons which apply to the subjects .
27 The exhibition or supply of any film , video or sound recording or any other publication shall be prohibited by law if the manner in which it depicts or describes violence or sexual activity or crime is such as , when taken as a whole , to encourage the imitation or toleration of behaviour which is seriously harmful to society by a significant proportion of those who are likely , having regard to all the relevant circumstances , to read , see , or hear the matter contained or embodied in it .
28 When expressed as a rate there is a continuous increase in disability with age .
29 When articulated as a teaching programme for English one of the most interesting features of this urge to develop a " common touch " , or an affective bond between teachers and taught , is the centrality to be accorded to popular tastes , however " crude and unformed " they might be considered to be .
30 Many London families went ‘ hopping ’ in the summer months ; Margaret Wynne Nevinson recalled that when working as a rent collector ( with Beatrice Webb ) for the Dwellings Improvement Company in the East End , she found many flats empty in August and September for this reason .
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