Example sentences of "said that [pron] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 One panel member said that they had been ready to ‘ throw out ’ the whole study until the notebook with this new data was produced .
2 They said that they had been talking about it themselves .
3 Most people refused to believe them and said that they had been faked in Hollywood .
4 In our main survey , only seven per cent told us that they had had classes about household budgeting or managing money while they were at school — and rather less than half of even this small minority said that they had been taught anything about buying on credit , or borrowing money .
5 Most of the ‘ masters ’ of torture said that they had been fighting a desperate unseen war , whose atmosphere could not be imagined by people from democracies .
6 Bastian , the independent scholar/dealer , who organised the show together with another independent curator , Werner Spies , says that he is most pleased with the reaction of an old couple from Dresden , who on the first day said that they had been longing to see Picasso 's work for forty years .
7 A number of the men absconded during the week , returning again in the evening when they said that they had been Christmas boxing .
8 Most said that they had been surprised if not totally taken aback on the news of the merger ; but to various degrees said that they were prepared to work with the new ownership as long as the guarantees of openness and neutrality made by Novell regarding the development of System V.4 were maintained .
9 More of the non-medical staff said that fundholding had changed their job , and when asked to elaborate said that they had been involved in a lot of extra work .
10 Ironically enough the Independent later said that they had been ‘ used ’ in this sorry episode !
11 In a television interview on 8 January 1979 , Mrs Thatcher said that they had been ‘ put above the law ’ .
12 Several people said that they had been asked to lecture to a wide range of students and colleagues on the subject of their particular disability , or disability in general .
13 A further eight people said that they had been helped to gain access to training by an influential person .
14 Both during training and after qualifying some people said that they had been encouraged by senior colleagues to work with disabled people or in areas of medicine of low prestige .
15 The Girl said that they had been so kind and welcoming ; food all served to them and very good , too , and such comfortable bed-chambers for their use .
16 Responding to the charge that the restrictions attached to oil sales violated Iraqi sovereignty , the United States permanent representative at the UN , Thomas Pickering , said that they had been included to " prevent [ food and medicines being diverted ] to the Iraqi privileged classes as has happened in the past " .
17 After their release they said that they had been " kidnapped " by the authorities after two of them had written to the King warning of a plot by Col. Ahmed Dlimi , then one of his key advisers .
18 Reading from a statement , one of the firm 's owners , managing director David Grover said that they had been badly hit by the recession , and overseas competition .
19 Sentencing two men and a 22-year-old mother , Judge Denis Clark said that they had been ‘ nasty , despicable , vandalistic ’ offences and the message had to go out that people who attacked phone boxes would lose their liberty .
20 But she said that they had been so many months or when everybody else had a pay rise they only had a little bit .
21 er , she said that they 'd been to the said this man had been to her house .
22 Sources said that they have been given six weeks to finish their assignments and another four weeks ' severance pay .
23 Paul Lee , Orkney 's Social Work Director , consistently said that what had been done was in the best interests of the children .
24 Epictetus said that we have been placed in a festival and we must enjoy it and be full of delight in it .
25 One girl said that she had been unable to breathe , and was only able to do so when she covered her face with a pillow .
26 She had been crying and said that she had been ‘ feeling awful ’ all day .
27 Looking back to her first encounter with Balbinder a year ago , when she had visited him at his previous school , she said that she had been shocked .
28 Anne thought Helen was right and Maureen said that she had been told when in hospital that patients often had remission in the disease their mother suffered .
29 Faber publicity director Joanna Mackle said that she had been overwhelmed by the response .
30 Zobel said that there had been no approaches from Japanese companies wanting to work in the OMI .
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