Example sentences of "said there was [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Boots said there was a message on the product about children cleaning their teeth after eating or drinking .
2 The attendant said there was a gentleman already undressing in No. 1 Frederica received no answer to her question about numéro sept , but was given permission to stand in the corridor of the train , which was already sliding away from its platform .
3 As far as er the honourable gentleman for Edinburgh Central is concerned , he said there was a case for a wider inquiry into the auditing o of companies , well that is not something specifically called for er by Bingham although I acknowledge that a case can be made for that but I think we want to be extremely careful before extending that in the way that he and the honourable member for Great Grimsby proposed beyond the direct er responsibility to the members or the owners of the company .
4 He said there was a case for extending the duty of care of auditors beyond members but this again was something that Bingham did n't necessary find er necessary as a result of his inquiry into B C C I .
5 But District Judge Lichfield said there was a case to answer .
6 Anthony Bradley , emeritus professor of constitutional law at Edinburgh University , said there was a case for a double-stage inquiry which first examined the principle or case for change and the second to study how changes could be made with the minimum dislocation or waste of expenditure .
7 She should have rung immediately and said there was a question mark .
8 He said there was a person , famous throughout the land , whose job it was to visit the halls where films were being shown and to describe the films to the local people .
9 Dad opened the front door and he said there was a troop of them walking up the path !
10 The prince said there was a lack of strategic thinking to tackle the problems and he added : ‘ I think what we are doing is tinkering with the problem , which is a structural one .
11 Mr Justice MacPherson said there was a possibility John Davies had not fully understood the terms of an injunction granted in October last year requiring removal of the mobile homes .
12 A Scottish Office spokesman said there was a possibility of an association between the caviare and the human paralytic illness suffered by the female patient in the south of England , but there was insufficient evidence to confirm a link .
13 Certainly there was no question of putting them under any duress and no one said there was a problem . ’
14 well you remember er when we sat down this evening I said there was a couple of ways that you could help me , one of these ways was that er you might be able to introduce me to one or two of your friends and I can run through the same ideas with them .
15 He said there was a doctrine of fear in the Government about the treaty instead of what should be a doctrine of opportunity .
16 Reception rang through and said there was a lady waiting to see me in the foyer .
17 but she said erm ever so kind of her but she said er she did say who she said there was a friend of hers somebody
18 The report said there was a shortfall of ‘ 121 employee hours a week , some 25pc , to be covered by part-time or casual staff .
19 Some practical joker rang up : said there was a gas leak , and they had to evacuate the house . ’
20 When I complained , the company said there was a clause on the processing envelope that said if anything went wrong , it only had to pay for the film .
21 ‘ You said there was a man , ’ she reminded him quietly .
22 Mr Wright , whose own force faced criticism after the Hillsborough disaster , said there was a need for police forces to discover whether or not their perception of their work matched that of the public 's need .
23 Calling for a radical overhaul of the referral system , Dr Fleming said there was a need for ‘ fast-tracking ’ certain conditions .
24 Mr. Croucher said there was a need to build up funds for premises , which towns such as Alton already had .
25 He later said there was a need to build up an alternative force on the backbenches to put forward ‘ tough , positive , coherent ’ policies .
26 He said there was a cry from all parts of the Province for security policies that would extirpate the IRA .
27 You know you said there was a bus coming at half past eight .
28 They said there was a fuel shortage .
29 He said there was a package in the school yard for you — from your wife .
30 Sue Everson says she came over in tears and could hardly speak but eventually said there was a body in the garden .
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