Example sentences of "said [that] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Illustrated London News said that its rich encrustation of sculpture would make the building ‘ a monument and record of the great military men and achievements of the British nation ’ with statues of eminent commanders and ‘ the names and dates of remarkable victories ’ .
2 The report said that its estimated cost of meeting the summit 's undertakings would reduce deaths among children under five by one-third , and would halve maternal mortality .
3 In a public statement early in January , the DUC said that its primary task was to ensure the health of the people of Donegal and that their environment would not suffer from uranium mining and related activities .
4 Erskine House Group Plc shares nose-dived 14 pence to land at 27 pence after it said that its final dividend for 1992 will , at most , be nominal , saying that January and February had been dire in the US .
5 Presenting the World Bank 's 1991 annual report on Sept. 22 , Preston said that its total commitments ( including those of the IDA ) in the fiscal year 1991 ( ending June 30 , 1991 ) had risen to US$22,700 million , compared with $20,700 million in fiscal 1990 .
6 The new government , whose authority was not recognized by the central government in Baghdad , said that its first task would be to restore order in Iraqi Kurdistan .
7 Writing to Brook about the Palestine Committee , a survivor from the Coalition , he said that its nominal chairman was Herbert Morrison but that it had ceased to function , its work having shifted to the Middle East Ministerial Committee under Ernest Bevin .
8 The Institute said that its main concern was ‘ whether the existing reporting system itself is performing satisfactorily and , if not , what further assistance the accountancy profession can provide ’ .
9 Commenting on the new economic legislation , the Finance Minister , Vaclav Klaus , said that its main thrust was to revitalize small and medium-size state-owned companies through improved management and new investment ; furthermore , the government was aiming to establish a climate favouring private enterprise , but around one-third of the economy would remain under state control for the time being .
10 It also said that its proposed flotation has been held back to late this year or early next .
11 It used the allocation , came back and said that its original estimate was entirely wrong and it required an extra £48 million — the original estimate was £48 million out .
12 Norway to resume whaling In announcing its decision , the Norwegian government said that its intended catch of 2,000 minke per year was justifiable on a " sound , scientific and sustainable basis " .
13 Police said that their two accomplices arrested in Ireland had been carrying several addresses of safe houses in France .
14 PROPOSALS to stop people drinking in public places in Colchester have been dropped after police said that their existing powers were adequate .
15 But BR sources said that their independent survey showed that one alternative , known as the Talis route , would be more expensive .
16 Sean Murray of Philip Morris said that their considerable arts programme will not be affected for a long time , and that the legislation is designed to prohibit brand promotion , not corporate publicity .
17 Mies Hoornik-Bouhuys , a writer and broadcaster , said that her late husband succeeded in tracing Willem , after being told by Jan Hulsker that the prostitute Vincent lived with was his aunt .
18 Clara swore that she would pay for herself out of her Post Office Savings : her mother said that her dead father had n't put that money away for her to squander on trips abroad .
19 ‘ He said that her next responsibility was to be loyal to her husband above all else .
20 Some philosophers have distinguished between our ‘ subjective ’ and ‘ objective ’ duty , and said that our subjective duty is to do what we think most likely to be our objective duty .
21 a boys ' school and the headmaster there advised me not to put him there , he said send him to Newport Grammar school it 's the best school in Essex , best grammar school in Essex and he said that my two boys go there
22 Nor did he dismiss it outright , though he said that my first duty should be to my family , with which of course I concurred .
23 I thereupon obtained from him the name of the solicitor instructed by Randolph , telephoned him and said that my own firm would accept service of the writ .
24 One officer said that my youngest sister , who eventually grew to be just 5 feet 4 inches tall but who was still at school at this time , had her arm around his neck trying to strangle him .
25 I said that my hon. Friend 's arguments were always powerful , persuasive and seductive and he has just demonstrated that fact once again .
26 I particularly liked the arts sections and noted that a caption under a picture of Salman Rushdie said that his new book The Satanic Verses had been badly received in many Moslem communities .
27 In a press statement , Merbah said that his new party " draws its framework from Islam " , the " consecration of the Algerian personality " and " the need to build a democratic state " .
28 He said that his first speech in the previous coal debate made the headlines of Coal News , but I do not think that the chairman of British Coal will be grateful that the hon. Gentleman has halved the take and production of coal in his remarks .
29 Tim Buisseret , Researcher at the Programme for Policy Research in Engineering Science and Technology ( PREST ) at Manchester University , said that his first impression , like that of many people , had been that the ideas were sound , but had ‘ not gone far enough ’ .
30 Prime Minister Jan Olszewski said that his newly-formed government had had no time to prepare its own budget , and asked parliament " with a heavy heart and a true sense of responsibility " to accept the measures before it .
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