Example sentences of "do n't [vb infin] [pers pn] too " in BNC.

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1 Again , it is almost second nature to use such expressions as ‘ Do n't give them too much ’ .
2 Do n't give them too much time .
3 If you have n't been yet make sure you do n't leave it too late .
4 Do n't leave it too long !
5 Do n't leave it too long Norman .
6 Do n't leave it too late … "
7 Just do n't leave it too late , will you ? ’
8 ‘ Just do n't leave it too late .
9 ‘ Fine , ’ he replied , ‘ but do n't leave it too long .
10 There somewhere around Nottinghamshire something around Nottinghamshire what are they describing there three four three four three four to call for a bash at Kids ' County do n't leave it too long before you call and er if you want to talk to the councillors about the leaf stem and trees you can call as well .
11 Do n't leave it too long .
12 But do n't do it too often , or your story that life with her is intolerable wears a little thin .
13 Yes , now you , you played stuff just as difficult as this , and there 's no , no problem , do n't do it too quickly though , and , I do n't mind if it 's not finished next week , or the week after , it 's the quality we want , so , so , do n't , do n't rush it .
14 As long as you do n't do it too often .
15 Do n't do it too often just call the tune without justifying it .
16 On the other hand , they do n't do it too frequently .
17 Do n't tell her too much .
18 And do n't site it too close to a house wall , or you will get sooty stains — unless you build some form of screening .
19 ‘ A huge , broad smile exercises 27 muscles , so give a series of very exaggerated ones , but do n't hold them too long .
20 Do n't hold them too far up .
21 You must tell them off every time they do something you do n't want them too . ’
22 ‘ I 've seen them ten , twelve inches long , up to three quarters of a pound : but you do n't want them too big — the bigger they are the older they are — to have them on your plate — eight inches at the most .
23 Well I think you 'll have to cos I do n't think do n't like them too big , do n't want them too big anyway do we ?
24 I do n't want it too high up yes
25 I do n't want it too early because we 're late with breakfast this morning .
26 yeah well I do n't want it too much more
27 Yeah , you do n't want it too low do you because umm
28 I do n't want you too cramped .
29 ‘ No , do n't make me too comfortable .
30 Keep lips together while drawing the lipline and do n't make it too heavy .
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