Example sentences of "do they [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If these are set up in advance do they make the decision easier ?
2 Do they re-enact the dichotomy within embroidery/stitch : constraint v pleasure ; content/form ; message/medium ; discourse v decoration ; exploration/elevation ; angst/celebration …
3 How do they grip the soil ?
4 The questions raised by conceptual material are discussed by the main characters and illustrated in their actions , but in neither case do they affect the plot structure itself which marks a return to formal strategies of the past : Under the Net to the picaresque tradition , and The Languages of Love to the paradigmatic plot of fall and salvation in which rhetorical devices remain subservient to the basic three-tiered design of Christian allegory .
5 How do they affect the balance between analysis and synthesis in professional work ?
6 We know they exist , but how do they affect the reasoning process ?
7 Do they carry the plague ?
8 that they carry when they 're racing how do they carry the weight ?
9 Do they speak the truth ? ’
10 Not only do they record the history of their localities , they are themselves the product of history , played on a far wider stage .
11 But where do they draw the line at those who can afford to pay for it ?
12 Yeah but that was for carpets , was it , i is , is , is that , do they do the floor coverings there ?
13 Do they extend the definition of murder too far , or are they too narrow .
14 Do they damage the business of government by inhibiting confidentiality and honest private discussion ?
15 Do they bring the doubt out into the open to examine it or silence it and pretend it never happened ?
16 Essentially , occupational pension schemes are designed — by men with male ‘ family wage-earners ’ and male middle-class career patterns in mind , so not only do they exclude the majority of part-time workers , but they tend to assume that earnings peak in the final years of working life , which is much less often the case for women than for men .
17 How clearly do they tell the story ?
18 If people lie about voting , do they tell the truth about muesli and mayonnaise ?
19 Do they serve the marriage well ?
20 Do they serve the cause of history ?
21 Not only do they alter the physiognomy of the landscape but also the geomorphic , pedologic and hydrological processes .
22 ‘ What do they want the pub for ? ’ he asked .
23 What we have said we are involved in a process which must involve both governments and all parties , whose objective is agreement among our divided people an agreement which all our traditions must give their allegiance and agreement , and an agreement which must express which which must respect our diversity , now I have kept repeating that statement since we made it and I asked anyone to tell me what they disagree with it , now the loyalist paramilitary some weeks ago said that if the I R A were to k their impression they 've given all along is that they 're just a reaction to the I R A and if the I R A were to stop they would cease immediately , I immediately put out a statement welcoming that statement by them , I also offered to talk directly to them , but they have refused er given the nature of their campaign , particularly at the moment , I begin to wonder do they want the I R A to stop ?
24 The first basic question to be asked is whether theorists understand the concept of social representations to apply only to particular sons of society , or do they intend the concept to be a universal one ?
25 Some writers have suggested that men get paid more than women because women can neither work the hours necessary to earn the higher rates , nor do they possess the skills to get the better jobs because of the time and effort they expend on the care of home and children .
26 How do they arrange the patterning of their domestic environment , their settlements , their houses , their productive and reproductive activities ?
27 Not only do they reflect the significance of each part of the ancient ritual , but also the solemn chant of the singers during the ceremonies and later the raucous shouts of the guests at the feast .
28 Do they derive from the power of men over women in the domestic arena and/or the labour market , or do they reflect the wishes of the carers themselves , or the assumptions about sex roles embedded in social policies or the ideology of sex-role stereotyping and prevailing ideas of women 's proper place …
29 As has been previously noted he gave much attention to the unique colour of the Cumbrian mountains and this he combined with the sunlight and shadows falling on the hills so skilfully that it is possible for an observer with local knowledge , to tell the warmth of the sun or the time of day.Just as the mountains give colour to the lakes , so in turn do they reflect the colours of the sky .
30 Where do they think the money is going to come from to finance their wage rises ?
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