Example sentences of "do not [vb infin] [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Unless we make it trivially true that gold is malleable , by explicitly including malleability in our idea of it , we can perceive no connection between the ideas of gold and malleability ; our observation and experiment do not tell us that gold must be malleable ; we have no knowledge that it is .
2 One of their complaints against Corcyra is specially revealing : the Corcyreans , they say , ‘ do not pay us appropriate respect as their mother-city ’ .
3 Now we have lost one and want to replace it but the nursery do not grow it any more , and we can not find one that does . ’
4 Thus criminal laws against murder , rape , robbery , and assault do protect us all , but they do not protect us all equally .
5 We have had more debates on these issues , but it is insulting to suggest that our partners do not give them sufficient attention .
6 Do not give them any .
7 Do not give them any alcohol , as it will stimulate further heat loss through the skin .
8 The gods do not give you two chances . "
9 If you do not give us this information , or you give false information , you may be subject to a penalty of £50 for the first offence and £200 for any subsequent offence .
10 I do not feel it necessary to add anything about the numerous authorities referred to in the learned arguments addressed to us , because the decision turns on a question of fact , whether the consideration for the promise is proved as pleaded .
11 For I do not think it possible to study philosophy profitably without entering fairly deeply into the history of the subject , and for this there is not time at school , nor could it be a subject that would interest more than a very few pupils .
12 ‘ You do not think it possible ? ’
13 I do not think it possible that datura , Indian or British , or deadly nightshade invaded our menu . ’
14 I do not think it probable they will land .
15 As it is now the middle of October , I do not think it unreasonable to request that some action be taken in this matter as soon as possible .
16 I consider this is the equivalent of a residence order through the back door , and do not think it appropriate to make that order when Parliament has specifically denied the right to grant ex parte applications for residence orders : see also the provisions of section 9(5) of the Children Act 1989 .
17 ‘ I do not think it necessary to enter upon the technicalities of autrefois convict .
18 We do not think it necessary to give special attention to marinas ( see comment under 2.13 ) .
19 In the light of all this , I do not think it premature to put forward an evolutionary scenario for natural language .
20 Furthermore , while it may well be correct to say that the implied licence doctrine ( so long as it survived ) itself involved the " adaptation " of the literal application of the statutory provisions " to meet one special type of case " , I do not think it correct that the [ old ] decisions … authorise or justify an application of the statutory provisions otherwise than in accordance with their ordinary and natural meaning …
21 I do not think it fair that only two , or any ad hoc number , should be allowed to participate .
22 ‘ I do not think it childish .
23 I do not think it wrong for a man to open his eyes , look around him and consider that there might be other roads upon which to travel . ’
24 ‘ I do not offer you all the churches , ’ Thorfinn said .
25 If you are going to use them , light weights are good enough for our purpose ; they tone up the muscles but do not make them bulky .
26 They want to hear truths which do not make them narrower but broader , which do not obscure but enlighten , which do not run off them like water , but pierce them to the marrow . ’
27 These views do not make it easy for individuals to come out , still less for the interest to come together in public political activity .
28 These measures may make getting information off the P N C more difficult , but they do not make it impossible .
29 The gaps in our data do not make it possible to say anything of statistical value , merely to point out that the evidence fragmentarily available suggests that it was by no means exceptional for women to be sole breadwinner in a household , usually in three precise sets of circumstances : in widowhood , with or without children ; after marriage when the husband was away , unemployed or chronically sick ; when unmarried , either living alone or — more frequently in our sample at any rate — caring for and responsible for an elderly parent or sick sibling .
30 ( The British crime statistics do not make it possible to ascertain the number of convictions for non-sexual violence of men against women since they do not state the sex of the victim . )
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