Example sentences of "do not [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 True , essential oils do not smell like commercial , highly synthetic formulae ; but once weaned onto naturals and drawn into the healing aura of essential oils , you will never again fall for the charms of the latest ‘ Henry ’ or crave a fix of ‘ Venom ’ nor even be allured by an ‘ Evening in Paradise ’ !
2 In the theoretical year of life , shelled fossils do not appear until early November .
3 The words which do not appear in other lists fall into several important groups : signs relevant to deaf culture , signs which might be subject to borrowing by languages in contact , signs where compounding is likely to occur , number and colour terms .
4 It is not possible simply to dispense with such tests , because there are occasions , especially when dealing with highly context-bound readings which do not appear in ambiguous sentences , when they are the only practicable way of diagnosing ambiguity .
5 Sadly but excusably , it misses perfection : the elements do not appear in proper periodic order .
6 There are often , among the competitors , girls from Eastern Bloc or otherwise under-privileged countries who have been brought up to believe that a monumental talent requires total dedication , who have been told that great minds do not fuss about small externals , who have been led to suppose that for a great genius to be a plain Jane is only appropriate .
7 In addition , we have observed that a well characterised group of patients do not benefit from endoscopic therapy .
8 Thus Regulation 418/85 provides exemption for R&D agreements from the effects of Article 85 , making it clear that exemptions only apply to agreements that do not extend to joint marketing and selling .
9 The remaining junctions we have studied ( G4pC5 , A5pC6 , G7pT8 , T8pC9 ) do not resonate at low field and thus would not be expected to be in the B II state .
10 It is also found that , for the junctions whose phosphates do not resonate at low field , the torsional energy of the B II conformation is uniformly less stable than that of the starting structure .
11 The larger the group the greater this tendency , argues Olson , and thus it is not surprising that amorphous groups such as consumers , or even economic classes , do not unite in common action to pursue their interests .
12 It is not the intention of the Institute to penalise those who do not pay by direct debit , but rather to reward those who elect to pay by this means .
13 Edwards and Ladd ( 1983 ) suggest verbs do not inflect for tense or person in BSL , but though this is true for a number of verbs it is not true for some of the most frequently used verbs .
14 Every country has its own system for using frequencies , and they have to think about each other — radio waves , after all do not stop at national boundaries and without international collaboration there could be interference and general chaos .
15 Since their premises are not open to the public , and they do not engage in retail trade , they are able to establish themselves in locations where overheads are cheaper .
16 ‘ Children in heaven do not advance beyond early manhood , but remain in that state of eternity ’
17 Although trout do not grow to enormous sizes they fight very well and are terrific sport .
18 What he tends to ignore , however , is what one might call value charged definitions which do not function as persuasive devices for modifying attitudes but serve simply to formulate , and perhaps endorse , combinations of descriptive and valuational meaning in ordinary usage which reflect widely shared attitudes .
19 Carol , who has learned to manage her meagre budget as carefully as any accountant , exemplifies the deeper problem of Easterhouse behind the unemployment , said to be 30 per cent , but much higher when the unemployed 16- to 18-year-olds , those on invalidity benefit and people who do not register for non-existent work are taken into account .
20 These latter , he insists , do not exist outside human action .
21 Per capita distribution of wealth roughly followed this division , the industrial countries having the highest standard of living and the agricultural nations of the south and east the lowest , but the figures do not exist for precise comparisons .
22 About half of all part-timers earn below the limit , and therefore do not exist for national insurance purposes .
23 If this project falls , it is not for purely logical reasons ; it will rather be for the more interesting reason that the right sort of truths do not exist about human nature .
24 Such symbolic markets for artistic goods and their corresponding ‘ fields ’ do not exist in traditional , ‘ un-differentiated ’ societies , but only come to exist with differentiation in the process of modernization .
25 The actual agents of erosion may be completely different : glaciers do not exist in humid temperate regions except at high altitudes , where the climate is not really humid temperate , while wind , which is of considerable importance as an agent of erosion , transport and deposition in deserts , can almost be ignored except in the formation of coastal dunes .
26 The courts make their calculations on the basis of the current provisions and do not speculate on future changes .
27 However , other key conflicts ( religious , ethnic , gender , territorial , defence and foreign affairs controversies ) and economic conflicts between people in the same class , do not fit into standard Marxist categories .
28 Conservation techniques do not fit into agricultural and pastoral practices and therefore are not applied by farmers or pastoralists .
29 The reaction against this structure has produced forms of politics that do not fit into traditional political categories .
30 This was certainly not a logically-planned programme , and its various measures do not fit into neat compartments .
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