Example sentences of "do not just [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although the feet do not stretch and point in the way we still care about in the West , the dancers do not just move from position to position ; they dance in a long poem of fluently musical movement that is classical ballet 's chief claim to fame .
2 As we are beginning to see , however , these people generate their own rules for ordering their lives , they do not just exist in the middle of chaos .
3 The less attractive males , however , do not just sit on the sidelines .
4 Expectations of changes in the exchange rate do not just depend on current domestic interest rates .
5 Do not just go to the solicitor who did you conveyancing , or walk into your nearest solicitor 's firm on the high street .
6 Ideologies do not just appear in societies ; their function is to legitimate practices , and they are formulated for this purpose .
7 ‘ But you do not just march into a druggist 's and demand atropine , ’ objected Auguste .
8 The provision and s740 do not just apply to cases where there is a transfer of an asset from the United Kingdom to a place outside the United Kingdom .
9 Italian researchers have shown that Octopuses do not just learn by experience , and by copying other Octopi , but are actively instructed by those who have already learnt the lesson .
10 What this spirit brought was a confidence that problems can be solved , and do not just have to be lived with .
11 Do n't just go into these meetings and sat there like a dumbbell .
12 Mica says she thinks this show is really good with Tom recording all different types of music throughtout the series and proves that some singers do n't just go on TV to plug their latest hits , but have influencess and do n't mind talking about them .
13 Apart from anything else , we , we do n't just go to the theatre we have , we really tend to wait to be invited
14 Some of these projects I mean just are ongoing , you do n't just go to a meeting and
15 Do n't just go for the figures .
16 I do n't just go for the light .
17 But I do n't just go in one shop , and I never buy anything without looking at the price .
18 As you can see , Executive Club benefits do n't just end at the airport .
19 And I mean you do n't just stand at your window but at some time or other
20 back to dogs that in North Korea you know they do n't just last till Christmas unclear
21 Well , do n't just want to , I mean to .
22 I do n't just want to be a ‘ cleaner-up ’ .
23 ‘ They do learn they do n't just float around the room being trees . ’
24 Well now , now you know that when I disappear with a placard sign , I do n't just appear with a placard , we are doing things behind the scenes .
25 So you do n't just pay for kilowatts that you use , what do you pay for ?
26 You do n't just step into the middle of the road , look at the all the cars coming !
27 Do n't just think about your own affairs , but be interested in others too ’ ( Philippians 2:4 in the Living Bible ) .
28 ( Do n't just think about it .
29 I mean er what else is there , oh do n't just think about she says .
30 you understand what I mean , I do n't just lay in bed I just get
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