Example sentences of "do not [pron] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( I am not arguing that the Americans do not themselves engage in all manner of protectionist devices , but merely note that they do at least have an intrinsic belief in the benefits of Adam Smith 's hidden hand , a view which is not wholly shared on the Continent of Europe . )
2 Some of the most valuable ones do not themselves appear in other listings , and can often be found only through the institution that produced them ( the importance of organizations being a recurrent theme in subject bibliography ) .
3 Sometimes the best way to reach decisions which reflect the reasons which apply to the subjects is to adopt an indirect strategy and follow rules and considerations which do not themselves apply to the authority 's subjects .
4 The use of characters as oracles for beliefs they do not themselves espouse in effect divides the character 's identity from his or her narrative function .
5 Note that cheques and credit cards , although they are used to pay for goods directly , do not themselves count as money .
6 On the other hand , it is by no means clear that all ‘ corporatist arrangements ’ involve the exercise of public functions by non-governmental bodies , and to the extent that they do not they remain beyond the scope of public law .
7 Do n't we refuse to ?
8 Why do n't we go to Thrush Green for good ? ’
9 Why do n't we go to Venice on the Orient Express ?
10 And then she said to me , and then , when I was going , she went to me , would you like to come on holiday , I went , then she went , because of me and mum and dad , we went another day to holiday , we went to beach , and er , mum said , that , yeah , mum said that she was saying , erm , to her , why , why is it not , what was it she said , about the weather , mum was moaning saying it was cold , and she went why , why are n't we go on holiday , mum , and mum said we ca n't , we ca n't afford to go on holiday , and she ah , why do n't we go to seaside when it 's cold .
11 ‘ Look , why do n't we go for a drink tonight and then we 'll talk . ’
12 Well it seems silly it 's why do n't we sit over there ?
13 Trying to drag her arm free , she gritted , ‘ And why do n't we want to be seen ? ’
14 ‘ Why do n't we send for horses , truly ?
15 ‘ Well , why do n't we meet for a drink ?
16 I am — look , why do n't we meet for a drink soon and talk face to face ?
17 Why do n't we meet for a drink this evening to discuss it ? ’
18 Why do n't we meet on the boat back instead ?
19 So why do n't we reply to the people who put this suggestion that in reprinting it 'll be taken into account but there are some reasons that we ca n't follow it completely and that , two chief of which are different , where colour is used for coding and erm , secondly what Richard has just said .
20 ‘ Why do n't we talk about something other than racing ? ’
21 I 'll tell you what , why do n't we toss for the piano ? ’
22 ‘ Then why do n't we look at this scenario ? ’ said Branson .
23 If it does go ahead the proposals to close it will be somewhat late so why do n't we look at them now .
24 Erm , but I think , I mean , do n't we have to be a bit careful about supporting other organizations in other towns ?
25 Do n't we have in him a formalist , in fact an aesthete ?
26 Well I know I said but , I did n't realize what time it will be , why do n't we wait until tomorrow morning and then you can watch P C Postman before you go to school ?
27 Why do n't we get under the table and make love ? ’
28 One of the Palestinian guerrillas turned irritably to a companion and asked : ‘ Why do n't we shoot at them ? ’
29 ‘ Well , why do n't we chew on it a bit ? ’ asked the ageing Chairman .
30 Why do n't they carve like Greeks ?
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