Example sentences of "do [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some 15 years after the start of the modern women 's movement in the US , most men still do little of the housework or child care , still feel enormously threatened by wives who work or ( worse ) earn more than they do , and still abandon their children financially or emotionally after a divorce .
2 I would also avoid all those bent wire contraptions : they may look attractive in a well photographed catalogue but do little for the design of your garden .
3 M. and Mme. Wastiaux , whom many of you will remember from the Easter Course at Avery Hill , do much of the organising and besides looking after me very well attend all the movement classes .
4 So the government risks a revolt by those rural stalwarts who do much of the legwork during general elections , as well as years of ill-mannered squabbles as the two sets of councillors argue their worth to the commission .
5 Very few writers , in Cusick 's experience , do much in the way of scene setting , and so a lot has to come from reading the dialogue and forming impressions in the mind .
6 We don t do much in the garden — a bit of weeding or raking leaves and that , but I like it anyhow .
7 Most of the children coming into care under section 2 of the Child Care Act do so at the request of their parents , and their parents can take them home whenever they wish .
8 Many who stay at the abbey do so at the suggestion of members of the Iona Community , of which there are some 200 scattered throughout the UK .
9 But my contract of employment forbids me from getting involved in contentious politics ; I do so at the risk of having a court order taken out against me .
10 If you wish to apply for such a pass , please do so at the time or order , giving the following details and indicate whether or not your order is dependent on the allocation of a Vehicle Pass : Date required , Vehicle registration number , Vehicle type , Drivers ’ name or organisation , Number of persons with disabilities and total number of passengers .
11 However , the world 's preponderance of very poor people want to get richer as quickly as they can and are probably not too concerned if they do so at the expense of the environment .
12 As NOSTRO accounts increase , they do so at the expense of US domestic bank accounts .
13 Many people who get seriously into debt do so through no fault of their own .
14 Many people who get seriously into debt do so through no fault of their own .
15 Some students with pre-RAF flight training can skip a level and go directly to the Tucano , leaping as they do so into a world far distant from general aviation .
16 All women who come to separatism do so as a reaction to the brutality and institutionalized sexism of men .
17 They use instinct and spontaneity and when they practise something , they do so for the enjoyment it produces and thus it becomes more of a game than a practice .
18 Most of the 2 million who belong to the National Trust ( one of the fifteen ) do so for the sake of visiting the houses it preserves , not because it is green .
19 In noting with regret that this is the final disc in Cappella Nova 's Carver series , I do so with a degree of puzzlement .
20 It seems to be a very deep-seated tradition , the need to add another stone to an existing pile , and many who climb hills today do so with a stone in their pocket to add to the cairn on the summit .
21 Flowers that enlist them as pollinators must cater for their tastes and produce a similar smell and often do so with an accuracy and pungency far beyond the endurance of the human nose .
22 When turning a corner always do so with the needle down .
23 Professional people do so on a consultancy basis , skilled manual workers as and when they can .
24 If you wish to develop assembler language programs , we suggest you do so on a computer which does not hold programs or data that you can not afford to lose .
25 Defendants who plead not guilty to rape , generally do so on the ground that the victim consented .
26 It is clear that the vast majority of full-time students entering higher education in the UK do so on the basis of Highers or A-levels ( 91% in the universities , 71% in the polytechnics , Smithers and Robinson , 1989 ) .
27 However the vast majority of students entering higher education do so on the basis of Highers or A-levels , and a definition of non-traditional which refers to students entering on the basis of qualifications other than the minimum prescribed Highers or A-levels or equivalent qualifications seems to be the most useful one .
28 Teachers must rise to the task of making sure that when parents come to judge schools they do so in a way which identifies — and , in so doing , promotes — genuine quality .
29 People do give support to their kin but they do so in a way which is patchy , possibly idiosyncratic , and which certainly can not be predicted simply from knowing how they are related to each other .
30 Those who now come to read Russian at Nottingham do so in a world much changed from that when I entered the Department twenty years ago .
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