Example sentences of "do [not/n't] always [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They will not be led by preachers at their church to face up to the fact that there are four Gospels , that John is significantly different from the Synoptics , that the New Testament writers do not always speak with the same voice even on essential matters of faith .
2 ( c ) The facts in History do not always speak for themselves .
3 To make the model more realistic it is assumed that the trains do not always arrive on time , and that the frequency distribution of the differences between the actual and timetabled arrivals of the trains follows a normal ( Gaussian ) distribution with a mean of zero ( Chapter 3 ) .
4 For example , applicants do not always progress through the operation levels in a straightforward manner .
5 Secondly , despite the impression of the diagrams accompanying the TGAT report pupils do not always progress in a linear fashion but often reach plateaux and can even regress !
6 These arrangements do not always fit within the formal treaty rules , but can provide a practical means of ensuring that the rigidities of the pacta tertiis rule do not impede its performance .
7 In the mundane we have to live by the laws of the mundane and these do not always concur with the laws of the transcendent .
8 It is , as Lord Renton pointed out in an address to this Society in 1990 , too much to ask that legislation should always be expressed simply ; for the complexities of modern life do not always admit of simplicity and we can not afford , in providing a code of conduct , to sacrifice certainty to simplicity .
9 The elderly do not always want to be on the receiving end , and any gift of food they offer us , whether it is a meal or just a pot of home-made jam , should be accepted with appreciation , for all such gifts are a part of the pattern of love in which they still wish to be involved .
10 However , such metrics do not always appear to be natural .
11 For example , the six male dancers do not always appear in the same place nor end in the same pose in the passages mentioned above .
12 We do not always go on sporting activities , we also went to the theatre to see , ‘ A Midsummer Nights Dream , ’ by William Shakespeare .
13 Accompanied by an excellent dry Franconian wine , it was a delight to eat and very clever in its balance of colour , flavour and texture , something I do not always associate with German cuisine .
14 What enthusiasts often overlook is that western communities do not always depend on sewer systems .
15 People who have grown up with the sport when the pressures were not too great perhaps do not always think of others .
16 Typically they are geographically mobile , living relatively far away from kin , work and friends ; they separate work from leisure and do not always socialise with the same group of people who all know each other .
17 Many decisions about how to display the data have to be standardized within a package , and they do not always lead to sensible or pretty results .
18 But it is clearly unsatisfactory because illnesses do not always lead to mortality , particularly during childhood and adult life .
19 The structures of related polyamides do not always lead to this neat arrangement of intermolecular bond formation ; for example the geometry of an extended nylon-7,7 chain allows the formation of only every second possible hydrogen bond when the chains are aligned and fully extended .
20 Additional hurdles are that company filing requirements are not always complied with and powers to enforce such requirements do not always exist in national law .
21 Dealers do not always move to UK companies .
22 We 've also remembered again the sometimes potent hurts of time gone by , realising that the passing years do not always lay to rest the stretched emotional reactions which those experiences once forced upon us .
23 Furthermore , the lines of support do not always run in one direction .
24 The government , even in a minority , is more united than an opposition made up of one majority party and a number of minor parties which do not always act in concert .
25 Bream do not always conform to this pattern .
26 Instead we have a different speculation : since learners do not always conform to the natural order ( the argument goes ) , there must be an unnatural order disrupting it .
27 It is not yet clear how many criteria teachers and others can be expected to manage , or find useful , but the limited amount of research and observation which has been conducted in this area suggests that teachers do not always work at a high level of detailed information .
28 ‘ Obviously the odds against Scotland overcoming everything and winning are high , but matches of this type do not always work out the way they have looked beforehand . ’
29 In many cases , if viewed more lightly , it may be incorporated into marital sexuality ; but the feelings of the partner do not always allow of this .
30 Some of them do not always stick to the regulations as we should like .
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