Example sentences of "do [not/n't] see [pers pn] as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do not see him as a killer .
2 Hollywood studio chiefs do not see her as prime material to star as tough-talking Det Chief Insp Jane Tennison .
3 However desirable it is that they receive training , many do not see it as a practical proposition .
4 It is a powerful alkaloidal poison , but the Zande do not see it as an ordinary poison but as an autonomous mystical power capable of issuing decisions which are taken very seriously indeed .
5 Do n't see me as a spokesperson for anything , ’ she warns .
6 A deaf therapist said : ‘ They do n't see me as a health professional who knows it all , but who does n't really understand ; they see me as a disabled person . ’
7 ‘ Men do n't see me as the stuff of their romantic dreams .
8 ‘ I just do n't see her as a full-time mother … ’
9 ‘ The Arts Council have problems , too : I do n't see them as the enemy , but they create a situation which gives rise to the criticisms they make . ’
10 We do n't see it as a bad quality in women to put themselves down , we see it as a good one .
11 ‘ It 's strange , and I just hope younger players do n't see it as an example that international football is something you retire from early . ’
12 Women are , however , very often left with the responsibility because , in the same way that they have had to worry about contraception over the years , men often do n't see it as an issue for them , or are reluctant and afraid to discuss it .
13 We often meet people who are in in their forties and fifties on er early retirement and little bit difficult to get over the message they do n't they do n't see it as retirement and yet surprisingly very few of the people who got redundancy at forty and forty five and fifty seem to be bothered about taking up other work at all that .
14 I do n't see it as my job to help them .
15 I do n't see it as a waste of time , but I see it as erm , as may be an as a a n a necessary delay .
16 They insist most drivers do n't see it as a toll too far .
17 We do n't see it as a major problem to the properties around the green .
18 ‘ It is still frowned on a little because men do n't see it as a very feminine job .
19 And if there 's any areas or warnings of concern which you feel that you 've both got , because he might think , he 's got any , he 's concerned about an area , but you do n't see it as a concern , and you allay his fears .
20 So they do n't see it as two conflicting aims , they see er the two sort of complementing one another .
21 ‘ But tell me , dear boy , I do n't see you as a regular Informer reader ? ’
22 ‘ I do n't see you as a murderess .
23 I do n't see us as the best band in the world ; we 're just putting out records because the rest of the music scene is so crap at the moment .
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