Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 If the conclusion and the evidence do not match then the theory is falsified ; if they do match , then this is some evidential support for the theory and its explanation .
2 This is to check that they do not infringe either the Television Act , which places some special restrictions on TV advertising , or the ITC Code of Advertising Practice ( see Chapter 16 ) .
3 Is it not time that the Government stood up and were counted by telling the Turkish Government to remove their troops from occupied Cyprus and saying that if they do not do so the British Government will veto any attempt by Turkey to join the EC ?
4 ‘ It is to your advantage that I go away , for if I do not go away the Paraclete will not come to you .
5 By the public sector I do not mean primarily the state ; I mean a system of popular control within which producers and users ( or consumers ) would , as appropriate , share in policy- and decision-making .
6 Trim the nozzle tip to give the required sealant width , making the cut at 45° ( do not throw away the nozzle tip )
7 Unfortunately , people do not feel quite the same craving to buy products made of recycled materials .
8 Such arguments as these suggest that price subsidies and in-kind transfers do not possess quite the overwhelming advantage for the stimulation of consumption of goods that appeared to be evident above .
9 The interventions of God do not set aside the need for careful evaluation .
10 Should you decide to consult a professional aromatherapist ( see the list of professional bodies in the appendix ) , do not expect exactly the same treatment from every aromatherapist .
11 ‘ With just three days until polling , it is becoming clear that the voters do not want either the Conservative or the Labour Party to win this election outright , ’ Mr Ashdown told his party 's campaign news conference in London .
12 If you held the kind of philosophy that I do , you would realize that , in friendship , presence and absence , propinquity and distance , do not make quite the difference that they do in mere acquaintanceship .
13 Step 4 If the problems are different for each side or the solutions each side wants do not coincide then the bargaining is likely to be one involving conflict , that is based on I win , you lose .
14 The Streetlink cash will be used to employ a youth worker , who will strive to ensure young people do not become either the victims or the perpetrators of crime .
15 I do not accept either the Right-wing proposition that we need only to make the country better off as a whole without making any special effort in the inner cities . ’
16 Also it is disappointing that despite these improvements in performance we still do not understand properly the physics of thermal insulation and we did not expect that increased density ( up to the limit when particle collisions take over ) would have quite the favourable effect that we have found in many machines .
17 As Schotland argues : ‘ [ w ] hen we engage in economic analysis , we do not banish permanently the legal and moral aspects of the problem analyzed .
18 They also show that when people do not know either the APR or the total credit cost , they can not always sniff out the better-value end of the repayment period scale ( in terms of much lower APR ) simply from the level of the instalment payments offered .
19 We do not see here the great wealth and immense development of twelfth- or thirteenth-century Italy — we are , after all , still in the tenth and eleventh centuries ; and English towns never achieved the wealth or sophistication of the Italian .
20 That we do not see clearly the value system which gives meaning to our orthodox construction of the subject is in part because of the method of this orthodoxy .
21 One ‘ slot ’ can be home to as many as five satellites as long as they do not use exactly the same frequency .
22 So you can see Chairman the facts and figures simply do not support either the report which came to the social services committee originally or Mr inflated figures .
23 Give words of encouragement , and do not take away the food immediately if it is ignored .
24 These provisions do not take away the income from the beneficiary ; they merely alter the income tax payable on that income .
25 Data on the hereditability of hand preference do not address directly the issue of speech laterality .
26 It does not matter if you do not have exactly the same things as are shown in the drawing ; alter the design to suit what you have .
27 At the moment , local authorities , which are supposed to police many of the new controls , do not have either the expertise or the money to make them work .
28 They do not have either the mental or physical equipment to be able to carry out the many complex activities involved in the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
29 Typically , the changes discussed include such examples as the lengthening and backing process that led to ‘ broad ’ [ a ] in the RP class of dance , path and the rounding after [ w ] that led in mainstream accents to present-day wasp , swan ( many British English dialects do not have either the ‘ broad ’ [ a ] or rounding after [ w ] ) .
30 One reason for this problem-dominated view is the over-concentration of people into a few undesigned places , largely because people do not have either the knowledge or the confidence to leave the beaten track , whether it be road or footpath .
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