Example sentences of "could only [verb] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Prisoners offered the choice very rarely preferred death to the colonies but , because they were essentially treated in the same way as indentured servants , they could only go to America if a merchant was willing to take them on the basis of a calculation that he could sell their services at the other end .
2 It will be noted that section 37(3) refers to ‘ assets located within that jurisdiction ’ , a reference which reflects , but does not directly confirm , the understanding of the position which prevailed in 1981 , that an injunction could only attach to assets within England and Wales .
3 No such act of measurement could change what those spins already were ; it could only bring to light a state of affairs which had existed from the moment of separation .
4 It i my Lord Mayor , it is indeed colossal cheek and pure hypocrisy on the part of the Tory Group , and particularly on the part of Councillor , to be putting forward the resolution congratulating schools on their success in responding to the introduction of Local Management , when they and the Government , between them impose such conditions that could only lead to chaos and disorder .
5 They must n't go down this road again , it could only lead to disaster .
6 These could only amount to obiter because , of course , the courts found that there was no tax charge .
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