Example sentences of "could only [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She could only rely on that , his wearying before she did .
2 For some reason she could only move with nightmarish sluggishness , while everyone around her tore past with dizzying speed .
3 But somehow Folly could only think of one person who might have sent her so tantalising a message .
4 ‘ I could only think of stupid , unimportant questions .
5 I could only think of that oh so English phrase ‘ It 's not fair ’ .
6 They could only think of another children 's home .
7 The rear gunner loosed off a round of deadliness in the general direction of the fighter , but , it seemed , he was not the target and Biggins could only watch in morbid fascination as his wing man went down in flames .
8 Standing awkwardly on one leg , she looked round for her other shoe and could only watch in helpless despair as she saw it slowly sink .
9 Less than two centuries ago , when the English Romantics saw the Alps they could only stare with wild surmise .
10 Taken aback , she could only stare in wide-eyed silence at the man who had materialised out of nowhere at her side .
11 Occasionally she would allow her gaze to drop on to one of the other patients with a look which Theodora could only interpret as startled amazement .
12 Not only were they more cheaply remunerated — at the church 's expense , mainly — and far more experienced in the business and technicalities of administration and negotiation , but their clerical status gave them a weight which most laymen could only acquire by aristocratic connections or by ennoblement ; lay chancellors , to be of any consequence , needed political and dynastic links , which could also spell danger for the king .
13 There was nothing General Francis could do , and because of his arthritis he could only sit with any comfort on a hard chair .
14 ‘ He could only talk like that because Ken was religious himself , ’ said John Lahr , who recounted many of the Williams reactions in Prick Up Your Ears .
15 It could only make for bad blood between the Li clan and himself and shatter the age-old ties between their families .
16 Lacking competition practice , she could only finish in sixth position .
17 Almost fainting from lack of air , she could only answer in choked gasps .
18 I decided that neither one was a social system and that one could only speak of social change in social systems .
19 Although the road was originally intended to be a private toll-financed venture , the feasibility study suggested that tolls could only contribute between 30 and 40 per cent of the revenue required .
20 Because each and every one of our guests is treated with the inimitable style and personal attention that you could only expect from such a grand hotel .
21 His hands tightened when she tried to step back , and Claudia , refusing a struggle that could only lead to one thing , stood very still .
22 ‘ It was felt that the Government 's proposals could only lead to inadequate funding which would inevitably force many practitioners to leave duty solicitor schemes and indeed the criminal practice permanently . ’
23 ‘ It was felt that the Government 's proposals could only lead to inadequate funding which would inevitably force many practitioners to leave duty solicitor schemes and indeed the criminal practice permanently . ’
24 Compassion could only lead to increased confusion , for it would be wasted on her .
25 He did try , but he could only stand on one foot .
26 ‘ I wept on the night the sidh were last seen at Tara , ’ said Dierdriu , ‘ for I knew that they could only sing for one of you , and that there could only be one ruler .
27 That deeply masculine voice , far too close to her ear , could only belong to one person .
28 This did n't matter so much for physiological or anatomical studies , where one could only work with small numbers of animals anyhow ; but for biochemistry , when larger numbers were needed , it made progress very slow .
29 And above them you 've got the F B I which means the F B I could come to your state and they would control all the police work , but they could go to another state , whereas all the state police could only work within one state .
30 Anil Kumble took four of the seven wickets to fall today and England could only quibble with one of them — when Graeme Hick looked to have been wrongly given out for 47 , caught off bat-and-pad at short leg .
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