Example sentences of "could have [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe , if she could have accepted him on his terms …
2 But nothing could have prepared her for the intimacy of the pictures .
3 Just for a moment he met her eyes , his own very dark and filled with something that made her heart start to beat rapidly , high in her throat , yet nothing could have prepared her for the shock of what he said .
4 Mandy had warned her that storms came up fast on the lake , but nothing could have prepared her for blue skies being annihilated by black storm-clouds in just a matter of minutes .
5 Nothing could have prepared her for the beauty they had just shared , and she knew that for as long as she lived she would never regret giving herself to this man .
6 Nothing in the three villagers ' long but sheltered past could have prepared them for the horrendous sight that met their eyes .
7 Back in London after that trip she said : ‘ Nothing could have prepared me for the agony of seeing countless dying children .
8 The houses looked completely different from those in Trieste , most of which were grey and severe , and although I had seen picture postcards of Venice nothing could have prepared me for what I now saw for the first time from the steps of the railway station .
9 You could have prepared me for this — ’
10 Nothing in his IBM Corp background could have prepared him for the kind of speech he gave — in fact had to give , if Taligent is to be seen as the answer to the world 's ills .
11 Nothing in our four days on the felucca with this sullen boy had prepared us for this , as nothing could have prepared him for that afternoon in Asyut .
12 Nothing could have prepared him for its response .
13 Nothing however could have prepared him for the drama to come .
14 We were all keen walkers , and enjoyed the challenge of remote places , but nothing in Britain could have prepared us for this close encounter of the furry kind .
15 We expected a big postbag but nothing could have prepared us for the fantastic response we received !
16 Although having accustomed ourselves to ‘ polyfilla based nutrition ’ nothing could have prepared us for the fish which was served at one of the so-called meals .
17 Nothing could have prepared us for Holmes ( named after Sherlock Holmes as his ears resembled the detectives hat ) .
18 Charles could have kicked himself for the cliché .
19 She could have kicked herself for the remark , for allowing Piers to see how much he got underneath her skin , but she could n't prevent herself .
20 But whalers could have enlightened them in this respect , for they knew that whales possessed acute hearing , the constant ‘ twittering ’ of the White whale even earning it the name of the sea canary .
21 was a bit drunk one afternoon at about four o'clock and he said , ‘ If it was just an ‘ oul book we could have done something for you but with marrying this foreign woman you 're a hopeless case . ’
22 If I 'd seen what was happening , had n't been quite so involved in my work , I could have done something about it before it was too late . ’
23 In 1974 military engineers stood by to operate power stations in Northern Ireland during the protest strike by the Protestant Ulster Workers ' Council , though they could have done nothing without the help of at least the power station managers .
24 Wales had all those great backs but they could have done nothing without their forwards .
25 Somebody in authority would have known that he was married though , but , probably not anybody who could have done anything about preventing another one .
26 If only he could have done it with the Palace !
27 In the hushed , beaten dressing-room after the World Cup final , there was a united whisper — ‘ If only we could have done it for Goochie ’ .
28 In the hushed , beaten dressing-room after the World Cup final , there was a united whisper — ‘ If only we could have done it for Goochie ’ .
29 Merrivale could have done it on his own when he was in there with her , and the gentleman who came in from outside did n't need a partner either .
30 ‘ You could have done it on the sly , like , arranged to speak to her in private . ’
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