Example sentences of "could be [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , a person could be guilty of the most serious non-fatal assault but not of the lesser assault !
2 In Cottee v. Douglas Seaton ( Used Cars ) Ltd. ( 1972 D.C. ) the court had to decide to what extent an honest man could be guilty under the section .
3 In other words , he made it plain that to that extent the second appellant could be guilty on the basis of concert .
4 So the ruling by the Supreme Court in Washington could be devastating for the industry .
5 Guns like these could be devastating in the wrong hands .
6 In an attempt to provide concise information on this point I have gathered together details of all the surviving English harpsichords from the period 1700–1744 , judging that nothing outside this time span could be relevant to the Mercier picture .
7 This was his first major starring role in the West End and he could be pleased with the rave notices , but there was one tinge of disappointment .
8 Leonard could be fastidious to the nth degree in completing his own work — he has always said that he works ‘ one word at a time , ’ and can spend months , even years , in adding finesse to it ; he is nevertheless dismissive of anything approaching scholarly exactitude , still more so pedantry .
9 Could be confusing from the scorebox — and the Press-box .
10 THE right-wing challenger Glafcos Clerides appeared to be heading for a narrow victory last night in a Cyprus presidential election which could be crucial for the future of the divided island .
11 A pregnancy with an IUD in place could be ectopic outside the womb .
12 The report states that current information suggests that in the UK and many other countries the daily intake of dioxins could be close to the recommended levels .
13 Nicandra ran towards all that beauty — although she could not tell her trouble nor make any mention of the displeasing butterfly , she could be close in the adored distance .
14 More urgently , one could be forearmed against the Antichrist , the powerful , personal opponent of Christ who ( as in 1 John 2:18 ) was expected to appear before the end of the world .
15 Used for formative purposes , an assessment based on weak evidence could be misleading to the pupil .
16 This triumph could be due to the outcome of a fight for a mate , or over territory or for food , or over some other issue .
17 It could be due to the mild weather that occurred in the autumn when the lambs were conceived , he said .
18 The additional bicarbonate ( 15% ) , derived from organic matter oxidation , could be due to the metabolism of as yet unknown Fe(III)-reducing microorganisms , or , given that the concretions contain some FeS , to the activity of SRB like Desulfobacter .
19 On the other hand , the low prospective profitability could be due to the enterprise becoming trapped in a clearly sub-optimal line of production , i.e. one in which consumers were simply not willing to pay a price for the commodity sufficient to cover its costs of production ( including the opportunity cost of investment funds expressed in the rate of interest charged by the national investment bank ) .
20 However , the analyst should be aware that variances between the model and a particular user 's view could be due to the narrow perception of that user .
21 The cause of this is unclear but it could be due to the trophic effect of hypergastrinaemia on the oxyntic mucosa , an effect of smoking , an inherited characteristic , or a combination of these .
22 This could be due to the notorious solubility problems with halofantrine which will be especially prominent in in-vitro systems with drug in solution .
23 Delay might give a spurious temptation to the so-called Yugoslavian army to exercise certain initiatives that could be detrimental to the freedom of other republics .
24 The scale of fee should be commensurate with the risk undertaken , except where this could be detrimental to the establishment of a long term recurring client relationship , in so far as such opportunity presents itself when acting for a vendor client .
25 He thought that it would be nice if the BBC could be present at the press conference in their own right instead of getting a ‘ home grown ’ story at second hand , and so he contacted Richard Cookson , a close friend and retired Professor of Chemistry at Southampton University , whose son Clive was science correspondent with the BBC Radio .
26 She could n't accept that Christ ’ s body could be present in the sacrament and at the same time physically in heaven at God 's right hand .
27 Most verbs which are used of situations where the object — talking strictly of the intensional level and not of the world referred to — does not change its properties ( between the narrow focus on the object phrase alone , and the wider view when it is construed with the verb and the adjective as in ( 22 ) ) will not be suitable ; if a property that might be expressed by an adjective could be present in the wider structural context , then its applicability will not normally be connected with the link between the verb and the noun phrase .
28 He fell silent , but his face was shadowed by the memory of a very personal anguish , and Maria could be grateful for the merciful ignorance that had carried her through those same six years in which he had been so haunted .
29 It 's not difficult with small creatures , but with the large ones it 's possible to be a hundred pounds or so out , and an overdose could be dangerous for the animal .
30 This could be dangerous from the tenant 's point of view and it is far better to settle the form of the guarantor 's covenants at the outset .
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