Example sentences of "could be [verb] by a " in BNC.

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1 Carried to their logical conclusion his theories meant that ( if he were right ) the attaque à outrance could be broken by a well-organised defence long before it reached the enemy .
2 The Colonel was not normally one whose nerve or self-confidence could be shaken by a comrade 's torment — he had seen too much and , besides , a soldier in the field made his own luck — but sitting now in the darkness , hardly aware of the familiar sounds of a barracks coming to life , the hollow ring of that dead voice seemed to re-echo in his ears .
3 The dog had a metallic collar which could be traced by a hand-held detector , operated by the men on the surface .
4 It was Pappus , one of the great mathematicians of Alexandria in the fourth century AD , who recognised that space could be filled by a moving point .
5 He is even more adamant that he is not stealing a place that could be filled by an Englishman .
6 They were alarmed that the continuing growth in the number of foreign tourists could be jeopardised by an isolated serious incident .
7 Rather more serious , if you buy a new home before selling your existing one , you could be faced by a bridging loan problem , which with continuing high interest rates could soon eat into any profits you hope to realise on the exchange .
8 The worst moments of Clara 's domestic life were not in fact those moments at which domestic indifference fronted her most blankly and sheerly , for they could be faced by an equally stony frontage — they were those which bore witness to hidden chinks and faults , deep within the structure .
9 This paper 's remarkable success in increasing sales between 1965 and 1969 not only showed what could be achieved by a powerful sales campaign ( which also brought in advertising at higher rates ) but also indicated that new purchasers of newspapers were not attracted to the party press , whose sales remained relatively stagnant .
10 In such a case the counter-restitution could be achieved by a financial adjustment based on the value of the shares .
11 The conventional explanation of the coalition 's commitment to provide ‘ a high and stable level of employment after the war ’ is that men in positions of power were convinced the aim could be achieved by a policy of managing effective demand , as advocated by Keynes and his supporters .
12 The court can not exercise its powers to make a specific issue or prohibited steps order with a view to achieving a result which could be achieved by a residence or contact order ( s9(5) ( a ) ) .
13 The auditor must examine whether resources could be put to alternative uses , whether objectives could be achieved by an alternative strategy and ( if practicable ) compare the operations of one particular department with another .
14 It was Galileo 's contemporary , Kepler , who contributed a major breakthrough in that direction when he discovered that each planetary orbit could be represented by a single ellipse , with the sun at one focus .
15 For the purist , or long distance servo driver the input/output levels could be buffered by a MAX232 or similar RS232 transmitter/receiver .
16 For instance , a limitation or exclusion of liability could be justified by a preamble or postscript to the clause explaining that its purpose is to limit liability so as to enable the person protected by it to obtain insurance cover , and thus keep its costs down : In order to enable the Seller to insure against its liability under this contract , the Seller 's liability in respect of any defect in the goods or any loss caused by such defect is limited to £n ; the Buyer must bear the risk of any loss in excess of £n and should insure against such loss .
17 But their joy could be dimmed by an injury that may keep inspiring skipper Seamus Heath out of action for two weeks .
18 He could be compensated by an annuity charged upon the land .
19 Its inquiry could be followed by a full-scale Monopolies and Mergers Commission probe .
20 This could be followed by a wider shot to take in the overall scene , showing the dazzling displays and hurrying shoppers .
21 The initial pact could be followed by a second for IBM to actually sell the software .
22 Meanwhile Hurd , who on Oct. 4 had sketched out the idea that an Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait could be followed by a Middle East peace conference involving all five permanent members of the UN Security Council , switched the emphasis of UK public policy towards a more threatening posture on Oct. 14 , asserting that Saddam Hussein 's " only choice is whether he leaves of his own free will or at the point of a gun " .
23 Organisers are staging another event at Moortown on September 6 and it could be followed by a World Over-80 's tournament .
24 The latest flu epidemic could be followed by an upsurge in the number of cases of meningitis .
25 While this transformation depends fundamentally on workers ' initiatives it could be aided by a government using the financing relation ( 4 ) as a means of leverage .
26 He could be looking at a device which at any moment could be activated by a radio-operated switch .
27 America could not believe that their elite fighting forces could be quashed by a bunch of peasants , and that was why they were so determined to win .
28 This we suggested could be handled by a locally-based Task Force which would plan and co-ordinate development .
29 It was also true that the reformers were more interested in what practical achievements could be made by a period of liberalisation .
30 Yet it emphasizes the close personal bonds which had existed between the dukes of Aquitaine and their vassals : the Pommiers were an ancient family , members of the ducal household , and it was to this kind of traditional relationship that appeal could be made by a largely absentee king-duke at periods of crisis .
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