Example sentences of "could be [verb] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A cooling-off period of , say , six weeks could be imposed by application to the courts and this would allow negotiations and talks to continue .
2 Using highly mobile soldiers to avoid battle , Bruce used the physical geography of Scotland to make conditions as difficult as he could for the English who , risking starvation and ambush , had to be very careful not to overstretch themselves and to keep open their lines of communication as best they could through the control of castles , in particular the vital one at Stirling , which dominated the lowest point at which the river Forth could be crossed by bridge .
3 This could be developed by reference to the following arguments : ( 1 ) History is a social necessity .
4 In all his writings from hiding he had increasingly found a brave and defiant secular voice : one that recognised a ‘ God-shaped hole ’ in life , but did not doubt that it could be filled by art , literature and imagination .
5 Meanwhile , Spitfires were arriving at Prestwick and a survey was conducted to determine if the aircraft could be transferred by road to Glasgow .
6 Furthermore , gradation could equally lead to heavier sentences than might otherwise have been given for conduct which comes within the higher categories , although this could be regulated by appeal courts and sentencing guidelines .
7 Living in damp caves beneath the earth , Echidna shunned the light of day ; her presence could be tracked by rank , marshy patches , or cracks in the soil 's surface .
8 This could be precipitated by instillation of 210 ml of air into the stomach .
9 Each sacrifice , upheld by God 's promise and power had real effect and potency , but this was not a power that could be manipulated by man .
10 It seems likely that it involved the utilisation of the X-rays emitted by the fission bomb trigger to propagate the explosion throughout the charge of thermonuclear fuel ; travelling at the speed of light they could initiate the fusion reaction in all parts of the charge in a time much less than could be achieved by shock waves ( travelling at perhaps 104m/s ) , so that a substantial degree of reaction Could occur before the material was dispersed by the explosion ( New Scientist , 2 September , 1982 , p641 ) .
11 They do this when they believe they can operate more profitably and with greater stability than could be achieved by reliance on the workings of imperfect international markets ( Buckley and Casson , 1985 ) .
12 The letters between Miller and Bartram show what could be achieved by patience and forbearance two hundred years ago .
13 He showed the savings of one-third of the man hours per house could be achieved by rationalisation in brick , block and timber design .
14 The kind of supervision suggested by the college could be achieved by guardianship ; yet guardianship under the Act has been very little used .
15 Next , the implication that full employment could be achieved by budget deficits encouraged the separation of decisions to spend from decisions to tax , and there has been a tendency for the former to grow faster than the latter .
16 These items could be represented by twin reservoirs for which only the net flow relative to the remainder of the system would be measured .
17 ( On Fig. 2 , this could be represented by evolution up to the optimum life history by a series of horizontal or vertical steps . )
18 This could be represented by Figure 1 .
19 A third model , that favoured in The Health of the Nation Key Area Handbook : Mental Illness ( DoH , 1993 ) could be represented by Figure 2 , where some people receive both care programmes and care management , but others receive only one type of service .
20 An open-work star map in stereographic projection ( known as the rete ) was in front of the tympan , and could be rotated by hand over the lines of altitude and azimuth .
21 EUROTUNNEL , the Channel tunnel group , denied last night that the concrete linings of the Channel Tunnel could be contaminated by salt and fail prematurely .
22 Certainly , no present authority could be justified by appeal to any such explicit consent .
23 That is the pathway we have gone down , and in consequence we have reduced the amount of food that is given to our cows that could be eaten by man from 50 per cent to 14 per cent by getting the input from grass and porridge oats : food that would otherwise be wasted in a system that is not using these animals to pick it up on the way .
24 The NCp7:cDNA complex could be isolated by gel retardation , indicating that the complex is stable ( fig. 4A ) .
25 ( 149 ) From these , similar artefacts could be dated by comparison ; by this method it is rarely clear whether the date applies to the manufacture or deposition of the artefact .
26 If Policyholder can stay with relatives , then perhaps a ‘ token ’ payment could be made by way of ‘ rent ’ .
27 At the time this was the longest journey which could be made by tram in London and owing to rapid trolleybus conversions , the last occasion on which it was possible .
28 Lord Bridge then gave his reasons for acknowledging that the Court of Appeal , of which he had been a member , in De Falco v. Crawley Borough Council was wrong to hold that a challenge to a housing authority 's decision on intentional homelessness could be made by action as well as by judicial review , and continued , at p. 294 :
29 They thought that to do things by hand when a machine was available was waste of human resource , and so they put a lot of their energy into products that could be made by batch production .
30 The RICS guidance notes said that an application could be made by letter , although it would not be processed until the official form had been completed and the fee paid .
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