Example sentences of "could be [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes the purpose is simply intimidatory , as with the racist march , rather than an attempt to coerce persons into taking or not pursuing any particular course of action , and it is difficult to see that conditions could be imposed on a ‘ racist ’ march on this ground alone .
2 But it does have the advantage of operating on a level where guilt or innocence might be easier to establish and where punishment could be imposed on a state basis .
3 Lord Sutherland told Maddison that life imprisonment was the only sentence that could be imposed on a murder charge .
4 Conditions could be imposed on the planning permission which would overrule the general permission given for such a change in use by the Use Classes Order ( Class 11 is ‘ use as an office for any purpose ’ ) .
5 There are areas , however , where forestry could be developed on an integrated basis with agriculture .
6 However , that agenda did have the advantage that it could be developed on an evolutionary basis , and that further innovations could be incorporated without major upheaval .
7 It had been the great achievement of the geologists to explain how , given enough time , the operation of exactly the same forces visible today could explain the enormous variety of what could be observed on the inanimate earth , past and present .
8 Despite the storm clouds gathering over Europe in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy , Nizan remained confident that the international political situation could be regulated on a peaceful basis by marshalling Republican , democratic forces in a united front determined to halt the fascist advance .
9 If required , the activities could be prioritised on the basis of whether they were primary , secondary , support or control activities , providing the basis for the evaluation of any proposed systems .
10 To study how bilateral trade could be placed on a new footing , a task force , headed by the Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade , Ricardo Cabrisas , and the Soviet Minister for External Economic Relations , Konstantin Katushev , was created .
11 Mr and Mrs T questioned whether family counselling might have been a better way of dealing with a very complicated situation , or at worst whether an interdict could be placed on the older boys in the W family .
12 On the one hand , if the landlord has redevelopment plans or if a higher rent could be achieved on a reletting of a greater part of the building , it will be in the landlord 's interest to ensure that all tenancies are expressed to expire on the same date .
13 In the 1850s , the invention of the Bunsen burner meant that very high temperatures could be achieved on the laboratory bench ; and if the furnace was no longer necessary , then the laboratory could move upstairs .
14 A great many ‘ What if ? ’ questions could be asked on the balance the Production Office achieved in its casting of William Hartnell , Jacqueline Hill , William Russell and Carole Ann Ford to play the four regulars .
15 It was because the economy was as yet exhibiting a modest rate of overall growth ( by modern standards ) that investment could be undertaken on a private and regional basis with the state 's role confined to that of legal enablement .
16 and the first job for the new manager could be to decide on the future of two of United 's stars …
17 Although it can be argued that the arousal manipulation in their particular study could be operating on the lower portion of the curve , it does appear that numerous studies on vivid and flashbulb memories have suggested that highly emotionally arousing life events are remembered in surprising detail over very considerable retention intervals .
18 Descartes had thought that its existence could be demonstrated on the basis of God 's goodness .
19 This could be justified on a number of grounds .
20 On the other hand , in the case of his daughter and the justification offered for taking her life , it might be argued that , similar acts of violence could be justified on the grounds that the ultimate goal is the redemption of souls .
21 This emphasis could be justified on the grounds that economics or at least a version of it — lies currently at the heart of government discourse on higher education , but it also reflects the fact that there is more to go on , in terms of information and analysis , with this aspect of the undergraduate curriculum than with the other seven .
22 Thus , for example , the UK travel market could be segmented on the basis of desirable combinations or permutations of factors such as speed , frequency of service , comfort , cost and freedom from undesirable features such as seasickness or football supporters !
23 The usefulness of having voice-parts in score , so that they could be played on a keyboard instrument ( as distinct from the highly embellished transcriptions ) or used ‘ for the study of counterpoint ’ , had been recognized at least as early as 1577 , when Gardano published two such volumes , one of Rore 's four-part madrigals , the other of miscellaneous pieces .
24 At first , the playing time for both discs and cylinders was the same — about two minutes — but the fact that discs could be made in different sizes , all of which could be played on the same machine , was another advantage .
25 Trevor Isles who 's Deputy Clerk to the Justices in north Oxfordshire is also confident the unit fine system will be fairer , he says ‘ if successful , it could be adopted on a national scale ’ .
26 The Attorney-General referred to the Court of Appeal under section 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1972 the questions whether proceedings upon indictment could be stayed on the grounds of prejudice resulting from delay in the institution of those proceedings even though that delay had not been occasioned by any fault on the part of the prosecution , and , if so , what degree of likelihood and seriousness of prejudice was required to justify a stay of such proceedings .
27 Improved polished stone implements , such as axes , meant that a greater impact could be made on the naturally forested wildwood landscape .
28 Prof John Williams , NEWI executive principal , confirmed that no decision could be made on the future of County Buildings until April 1 , when the institute becomes independent .
29 They are often most convenient at right angles in plan , but could be devised on a semi-radial principle .
30 The police required a portable system that could be implemented on an IBM-compatible microcomputer .
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