Example sentences of "could be [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With the latest single , ‘ Until You Find Out ’ ( which is typically raucous and sweetly nasty affair and their last release for Chapter 22 before signing a distribution deal with CBS ) , the Neds could be posed for some real chart action .
2 With the latest single , ‘ Until You Find Out ’ ( which is typically raucous and sweetly nasty affair and their last release for Chapter 22 before signing a distribution deal with CBS ) , the Neds could be posed for some real chart action .
3 One might have anticipated an exposition on how this new syntax differed from that of the preceding age and how it could be developed for stylistic purposes .
4 According to Nikolay Gubyenko , former USSR Minister of Culture , claims have already been lodged or could be lodged for 3,017,128 works of art .
5 Thereafter , warrants were issued for only two months , though they could be renewed for one month at a time in the case of those issued to the police , and six months at a time in the case of those issued to the security services .
6 Now in a language of potentially unlimited generative capacity , I fail to see how this could be achieved for all expressions across all patterns of combination in the first way described above .
7 What kind of private life could be imagined for this dried-up bundle of chilblains and nasal catarrh ?
8 In addition , parents could be asked for voluntary contributions towards non-chargeable activities and the proceeds could be used to subsidise activities for children from poor families .
9 Board secretary John Morris said : ‘ The Board 's main consideration was whether the title should remain on ice or whether this contest could be accepted for that championship .
10 A case could be made for such a ritual being enshrined in the legend of Lady Godiva of Coventry , riding through the city on a white horse ( fig. 13.1 ) , though this idea has been dismissed by Hilda Ellis Davison in her otherwise full and admirable account of the legend .
11 The authors note that no corrections could be made for other confounding variables that might lead to miscarriage in women who smoke and they caution against overinsterpretation of the apparent effect of one single variable in IVF-ET .
12 Two is the obvious number , but in certain circumstances a case could be made for one prisoner or three prisoners .
13 Tapes could be made for specific campaigns , for use in education , or simply to cater for communities of interest too small to be considered by the broadcasters .
14 Perhaps , for instance , a case could be made for discouraging risks that might lead to a person 's loss of employment , if their chances of gaining another job were remote .
15 This was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of different accident and traffic strategies , so that the most cost-effective could be selected for each area .
16 It could be criticized for both dealing with the suffering of black South Africa through the eyes of a white liberal , and for it 's ending , which is the worst example of the movie 's creeping sentimentality .
17 Thus by their individual actions facing given prices , each and every consumer will automatically arrange that 1 film could be swapped for 2 meals with no change in utility .
18 This could be extended for other , larger networks and relationships established between number of trains , frequency and distance .
19 One may wonder why it is necessary to fit such a ‘ bluff ’ unit when a proper working alarm could be constructed for little extra outlay .
20 They could be jailed for two years and fined £400 for ‘ engaging in activities requiring a licence when not a licensee ’ , and thirteen other offences which included inserting false or misleading advertisements , canvassing debtor-creditor agreements off trade premises , sending circulars to minors , and supplying unsolicited credit tokens .
21 In co-operation with Finsbury Borough Council it established the first ‘ sheltered ’ work-room where ‘ elderly workers could be employed for two hours a day , on small assembling and packing jobs provided by local firms , paying the fair rate for the work completed ’ .
22 Above them , on a grassy hill , loomed the Monument — an imitation ruined temple that could be seen for several kilometres around .
23 But it might not be his fault , and it would be wonderful if something could be done for that old General .
24 If this could be done for one product , it could be done for others with their own market strategies and situations .
25 The same could be said for many a flat in many English provincial cities .
26 Would that the same could be said for another competition that takes place at this time of the year — England 's County Championship finals .
27 I hope that figure is right er , I have to confess that I have not added it up and er the copy that I have , the five and the nine could be mistaken for other figures , but I hope that there the right figures to that must be added first the general damages a calculation which like all by other calculations need to be carefully checked , I would er calculate the interest on general damages to date would be five thousand , two hundred and seven pounds future care totals six hundred and twelve thousand , five hundred and seventeen pounds suitable accommodation , seventy one thousand , one hundred and fifty two pounds , transport costs thirty nine thousand , eight hundred and sixty six pounds , that makes a total of one million , two hundred and six thousand , three hundred and thirty eight pounds that is the amount which I would be minding to award , I understand that the parties in the light of that would wish to have further discussions about the matter
28 Not very gregarious , and could be mistaken for small courser when running on ground ; when it stops it does not squat but stands erect .
29 Weaken , turn your back for a moment and it could be lost for good .
30 Good-quality gritstone that could be dressed for architectural purposes was found deep beneath the fell .
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