Example sentences of "could see [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I could see myself on the roof of our house , as , for the last time , I spread the couscous out to dry on a sheet in the sun before my journey to London : I could see the village below me : the tops of the trees , the minaret , the ancient wall which ran round my village .
2 Rostov peered past the screen at the porthole , but he could see nothing of the surface of the planet .
3 She could see nothing through the night — and hear nothing other than the sound of rolling waves — until the outline of the steep cliffs towered above her .
4 She could see nothing through the thick clouds of dust that choked her .
5 Again she glanced at the windscreen of the other car but she could see nothing through the darkened glass .
6 He climbed the stairs but could see nothing through the hammered glass panels of the front door .
7 And then , when she looked at the high terrace with its pots of trailing geraniums , she could see nothing for the shadow was so intense — not the pale blob of a face or the movement of a hand — but she was suddenly as sure as she could be of anything that someone was standing there , looking down , waiting for them to get out of the car and watching them .
8 Riven could see nothing for the water in his eyes , but when the dark shape of the hull loomed up he pushed Madra towards it .
9 To the right , as he walked down it , he could see nothing but the trees of his own orchard and , beyond them , the decorative ridge of a thatched roof , crowned with a squat brick chimney .
10 She did not even notice when Connor and Ruth took the children out of the kitchen , closing the door softly behind them ; she could see nothing but the hope and the love that shone in Ernest 's patient , trusting face .
11 Scott could see nothing but the curling black tongue of water cutting through the centre of the city .
12 At first , in the fading light , we could see nothing but the icy path , the snow-covered trees on either side — but then the flicker of a candle flame caught our eyes .
13 Nails , suddenly awakened , could see nothing except the light .
14 She looked out of the window , but could see nothing except the darkness .
15 The causeway commanded a view of all this region of the moor , but once he had jumped down and was in the shallow bowl of Goughdale , he could see nothing except the remains of surface workings and the louring slopes of Big Allen .
16 At first she could see nothing except the river so many floors below them .
17 He could see nothing in the west .
18 Yet she could see nothing in the future but hurt for both of them .
19 He could see himself in the garden with Fraulein Simonis , investigating those dark eyes at closer quarters .
20 If I could see him at the back I 'll er , I 'll just get the question a bit more clearer and I 'm sure I can help .
21 I opened my eyes at fucking five to six and I could see him at the window Ken ran then across the road and he says Dawn your brother 's been trying to get in for ages .
22 She could see him through the shutters — a big man , a Berber , a kind-looking man with bright blue eyes and tattoos .
23 As Harry stood on the platform a minute or so later , watching the train pull out , he could see him through the brightly lit window , still immersed in his paperback , oblivious , it seemed , to Harry 's departure .
24 Rory could see him through the open door as he crossed from the bungalow , through the yard of machinery and tractors , and into the business block .
25 With his head turned his face was close to hers and he would stare right at her , maybe thinking nobody could see him in the dimness , or maybe not caring if they did .
26 We could see him behind the grille over the heads of the crowd .
27 For a long while , I could see her in the rear-view mirror , standing in the dusty road in her long white dress , holding her child and looking after the Felder .
28 It was n't as if he could see her in the flimsy satin nightdress , was it ?
29 ‘ I could see them at the hotel .
30 You could see them in the bull-neck , in the big shoulders , in the thick arms , in the sinewy wrists and in the powerful legs .
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