Example sentences of "could have been [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This could have been that one chance ’ .
2 The Belfry PGA officials say profit from the match is around £800,000 although they admit this could have been much more if they had allowed in a greater volume of spectators for this , the first ever all-ticket clash .
3 But they the Prestige Sterling as it 's known over here could have been more successful .
4 There could have been another contributory factor having a bearing on the origin of man 's appreciation of beauty .
5 The girl that was Angela Morgan had looked out of the photograph , whereas what lay on the ground , arms outstretched , could have been any young woman with dark hair .
6 It could have been any one of those residents , even the frailest woman .
7 Given the richness of interconnections between the boxes , it could have been any one of them that was dubbed the conscious one , so we would need something more by way of justification for choosing any particular one .
8 It could have been any one of many faces opposite me in a fashionable Italian restaurant , a woman heavily scented , expensively ajingle .
9 He could have been any one of the brothers .
10 So your on your only answer is , well it could have been any one of these five .
11 The iron mine could have been any one of several in this region there are a number of veins or strings of haematite which have been tried , as well as some quite extensive deposits .
12 I could have been any little old lady waiting for a relative to arrive from Holland .
13 I thought it was in support of the IRA but it could have been some other organization , such as the Women 's Liberation people .
14 The recommended books might have been borrowed from a fellow student , or bought , or there could have been some alternative reading .
15 Apart from some of its bones showing , it could have been some alien kind of embryo .
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