Example sentences of "could be [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes the purpose is simply intimidatory , as with the racist march , rather than an attempt to coerce persons into taking or not pursuing any particular course of action , and it is difficult to see that conditions could be imposed on a ‘ racist ’ march on this ground alone .
2 But it does have the advantage of operating on a level where guilt or innocence might be easier to establish and where punishment could be imposed on a state basis .
3 Lord Sutherland told Maddison that life imprisonment was the only sentence that could be imposed on a murder charge .
4 Carried to their logical conclusion his theories meant that ( if he were right ) the attaque à outrance could be broken by a well-organised defence long before it reached the enemy .
5 By experimenting with the duration of incubation they found that fusion occurred after only a few hours , and that viable hybrids could be grown in a liquid culture medium containing glucose , monosodium glutamate , a mixture of vitamins , sodium chloride and extracts of Raphanus brassica ( common mustard ) .
6 Portable models could be hung from a ring on the rim so that the datum line was horizontal .
7 Or a pair of full-length curtains could be hung from a pole across the wall in front of the bow , framing the windows by day and closing off the alcove at .
8 These could be hung from a decorative pole , perhaps set well above and extending beyond the sides of the door , to enable the curtains to be drawn well back .
9 Kenneth Clarke , when Home Secretary , announced the establishment of secure training centres where young people aged up to fifteen years could be sentenced for a period of up to two years .
10 Under existing legislation , the youths could be sentenced to a maximum of two years in prison or fined up to $10,000 , if found guilty .
11 The Colonel was not normally one whose nerve or self-confidence could be shaken by a comrade 's torment — he had seen too much and , besides , a soldier in the field made his own luck — but sitting now in the darkness , hardly aware of the familiar sounds of a barracks coming to life , the hollow ring of that dead voice seemed to re-echo in his ears .
12 Chain , which was introduced in 1811 , could be stowed in a small damp locker and so it can almost be said that chain cleared the space needed below for engines and coal bunkers .
13 Some seem to have thought that if a case could be traced to a feud , it was false .
14 Puddephat 's anger , the paper said , could be traced to a most unflattering review of his new book , written by Sykes , in the TLS .
15 The dog had a metallic collar which could be traced by a hand-held detector , operated by the men on the surface .
16 ( This issue could be developed into a more general consideration of whether police officers should be subject to more stringent codes or rules of behaviour than other people in society , given their position of authority ) .
17 He states that the Causey Mounth , isolated from heavy traffic , could be developed as a commuter route for cyclists and for other leisure and recreational uses .
18 Whilst we did consider that this site could be developed with a single storey dwelling without seriously affecting the amenities of the village , we were not aware of the strength of local feeling against any development on this site .
19 Similar programmes could be developed in a chemistry or physics context .
20 Thus the maximum term of imprisonment which could be inflicted without a jury quadrupled between 1884 and 1899 .
21 He said the copper pipe could be filled with a mixture of fireworks powder .
22 It was Pappus , one of the great mathematicians of Alexandria in the fourth century AD , who recognised that space could be filled by a moving point .
23 Routes could be planned for a variety of jumps etc .
24 If you are not ready to deal with the problem of alcohol misuse if and when it occurs , one day you could be faced with a crisis .
25 Obviously this idea has to be thought out in advance , and if your friend or family move during the winter then you could be faced with a big problem in trying to gather enough material to make an attractive and interesting picture .
26 THE region could be faced with a large number of knock-on job losses if American Airlines pulls the plug on its loss-making Stansted to Chicago route .
27 However , individual members could be faced with a deterioration in their balance of trade if the trade creation effect were to increase imports more than exports .
28 If practices quit the health service many patients could be faced with a staggering increase in costs .
29 Rather more serious , if you buy a new home before selling your existing one , you could be faced by a bridging loan problem , which with continuing high interest rates could soon eat into any profits you hope to realise on the exchange .
30 preferred to play safe and order bodies which could be transferred to a narrow gauge system if the standard gauge system for which they were ordered proved a failure .
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