Example sentences of "could [be] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Finally , the departmental , engineering side also laid claim to its own clearly defined fleet of engines , which could be profitably loaned to the sectors at times of peak demand .
2 Our knowledge of deliberate self-poisoning in young people indicates that such measures could be largely confined to girls .
3 After this , he could be hastily driven to a music lesson , followed by a painting or a dancing lesson .
4 True , the word star could be loosely applied to him on the basis that he had ‘ starred ’ in more than a dozen films .
5 The question of ratification of treaties with Western nations opened up a gulf between the Bakufu and an imperial court whose nominal supremacy Tokugawa enemies were beginning to realize could be fruitfully exploited to the regime 's disadvantage .
6 Despite this , Milosevic maintained his popularity among Serbs , which could be partly attributed to his hardline attitude towards the ethnic unrest in the republic 's autonomous province of Kosovo .
7 He used to take this affair round various conferences and demonstrate to all and sundry that the crystal could be repeatedly bent to a strain of 2 per cent which is equivalent to a stress of about 600,000 p.s.i .
8 Only early photographs and documentary and other materials could begin to resolve some of the arguments and questions and it was at this point that material from the archives , old maps , early photographs , traveller 's descriptions , census records , trade directories , window tax or hearth tax assessments , and so on could be meaningfully introduced to children hungry for further knowledge .
9 About 80 percent of the total descriptions could be unambiguously assigned to one of the 40 junctions , either because the subject knew the road names or described the junction or events in sufficient detail for the description to be uniquely associated with one situation on their video .
10 Empirical investigation using UK Department of Industry 1 km square data overlaid on polygon boundaries of north-west England employment office areas revealed that only 60 per cent of the points in the industry database could be positively assigned to an employment office area by being within a polygon and away from the boundary by a distance greater than epsilon .
11 However , it is deemed unlikely to reactivate the effort despite contentions that the Intel work taking priority — largely the stuff of Open Desktop 2.0 coming out this summer — could be easily ported to the MIPS platform should it suddenly become a volume player .
12 Requiring a driver 's licence where driving is not a major or frequent component of the actual work done , or where any driving duties could be easily allocated to fellow workers , could be an act of disability discrimination .
13 In fact , any argument directed against the applicability of the idea of identity to meanings is really self-stultifying , for such an argument would imply , among other things , that no topic could be significantly referred to as " the same " on two separate occasions , with the inevitable consequence that the argument itself could not get off the ground .
14 The appellant had deceived the court ; he had told lies to his advisers so that these lies could be unwittingly advanced to the sentencer in mitigation .
15 In the years after the war , with the drive for ever-increasing agricultural productivity , country house parks were often seen as areas of ‘ conspicuous waste ’ , which could be better put to more intensive cultivation .
16 Nor did Merton imply that the actual discoveries of a Boyle or a Newton could be directly ascribed to the sanction of science by religion .
17 Like most people who are themselves paranoid , Preston had difficulty in taking other people 's fears very seriously , unless they could be directly related to his own .
18 It was to be expected that Britain as the leading maritime power should take a lead in scientific voyages , which could be directly linked to shorter passage times and greater safety , and the general advancement of trade .
19 Mr Maginnis claimed the only extra costs , which could be directly attributed to the terrorist campaign , were weekly allowances of £44.58 for officers and £39.01 for NCOs and privates .
20 Later , I reflected that to be in receipt of confidences of this kind , if my own experience was anything to go by , could be insufferably taxing to the patience .
21 In particular , the advent of the railways ensured that fresh fish , meat , and dairy produce could be speedily transported to urban centres .
22 I say all this because no people on the face of the planet could be more attached to their island than the oft far travelled Shetlanders .
23 Smith was of opinion that adequate protection could be given by keeping a mobile force ready , who , on warning of danger , could be swiftly moved to the danger area ; but , if police were to be billeted in the colliery , 70 would be sufficient .
24 They found a number of flashes but none that could be definitely ascribed to gamma ray bursts from primordial black holes .
25 But the Ragdoll , lacking these responses , could be literally loved to death by unthinking children .
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