Example sentences of "could [not/n't] get [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In fact , any argument directed against the applicability of the idea of identity to meanings is really self-stultifying , for such an argument would imply , among other things , that no topic could be significantly referred to as " the same " on two separate occasions , with the inevitable consequence that the argument itself could not get off the ground .
2 In 1871 he took the yacht , Sampson , to Svalbard , to the Seven Islands , reaching latitude 81° 30' N. In 1872 he could not get beyond the north-west capes of Spitsbergen .
3 I could not get over the kindness of it , his attention .
4 He could not get over the fact that the only woman who had come through the near-impossible screening , then training , had not been some six foot Amazon with a face like Atilla the Hun — but a petite , feminine five foot three in her stockinged feet , who turned all the men 's head when she passed .
5 I could not get over the fact that people were giving me the responsibility of telling them how to get me up , and that I could choose what time I went to bed !
6 Gibbs did so and Harvey went out to drive , but with his injured leg could not get to the pitch and holed out to Sobers .
7 I need crutches to get around the house and could not get to the concert , ’ she said .
8 On the slopes of Everest there are believed to be at least a dozen bodies of climbers who could not get to the top , or could not get down again .
9 Marathon runners finishing after 2 hours 45 minutes found that they could not get into the stadium after a 26 mile 385 yard slog in 90F temperatures .
10 When he lectured at Harvard in this year , policemen had to control the crowds who came out to see him , and loudspeakers were set up for those who could not get into the auditorium .
11 As I understand it , some hon. Members could not get into the House before the Division was completed .
12 Clinical director Paul Lawler , who heads the intensive care unit at South Cleveland Hospital , Middlesbrough , said desperately ill patients were being turned away because they could not get into the unit .
13 Could not get into the army .
14 He has used a fast government car to shake off at least one photographer , but there is a more prosaic explanation for Mr Lamont 's perambulations around Blackpool — his civil servants could not get through the security around the Imperial .
15 Woodmill controlled the game for much of the first half but could not get through the Meridian defence and it was n't until two and a half minutes into the second half that the deadlock was finally broken .
16 Three cardiac arrest patients had to be flown to hospital by the North Wales police helicopter because ambulances could not get through the floods .
17 ‘ It was so dark I could hardly see where to put my cross on the voting slip — and then I could n't get to the ballot box which was situated in a poky little office .
18 They could n't get to the top ; there were too many cars .
19 He still could n't get to the bottom of it .
20 I could n't get to the first part again and yeah that 's right
21 And he volunteered to give a lift to anyone who could n't get to the annual general meeting in March .
22 Before , I could n't get down the High Street for bricks and houses , but they 're not there now .
23 It all came to a head the day a fire engine could n't get down the High Street for parked cars .
24 We shift them down to the so they could n't get onto the cultivated land .
25 Whatever he might do , he could n't get past the postmistress at Cong , who acts as operator , and runs the whole village .
26 Parts One and Two but could n't get past the first page .
27 But the problem was n't even helped there because you see he could n't get up the stairs easily , because the wardrobe was in the way .
28 so they could n't get along the roads and I think the cof the probably the funeral was put off as long as they could put it off .
29 ‘ They could n't get through the undergrowth before . ’
30 ‘ At the end of the day , my husband is my best friend , but I could n't get through the day without talking to another woman — men do n't seem to need to air their hopes and fears like we do .
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