Example sentences of "could [not/n't] [be] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The land could not be inspected because Dr. Rufford did not own it so he made sure that the land was not inspected .
2 Thus in ( 140 ) below the lighting of a fire is presented as a condition which would have permitted Pops to be found sooner , but the fire could not be conceived as acting on Pops directly itself and " making him be found " : ( 140 ) A fire would n't have mattered except that it would cause Pops to be found sooner .
3 Early gains , however , could not be exploited as German resistance stiffened .
4 Even though he had accepted general responsibility for his company 's operations , and would probably have agreed to print the books had the decision been referred to him , he could not be convicted unless he had been given specific notice of the offensive material .
5 The compensation could not be increased if the council had lost it 's appeal and it would therefore remain as a maximum of £1 million .
6 It is true that many of the experiments in this area were grossly inadequate in method : they failed to ensure that the individuals they studied were similar , apart from the single factor being scrutinized ; they relied unduly on mothers ' memories for information about early events ; their various findings could not be compared because of disagreement about what should be counted as ‘ early weaning ’ or ‘ harsh training ’ , and so on .
7 These men , like the generals , were at the mercy of the Assembly — whose composition changed with every meeting — but knowledge is power , and their skills , and factual grasp of routine information , could not be overthrown except by superior skill and superior grasp , though they were unusually vulnerable by reason of their prominence to the irrational weapon of ostracism , which destroyed Hyperbolus .
8 There was a band , somewhere , but it could not be heard or seen .
9 Other organizations could not be absorbed but could still be brought within the Central Office orbit .
10 In accordance with that view , the final conclusion expressed by the Advocate General was that , in the circumstances of the Conforama and Marchandise cases , it could not be concluded that the obstacles created exceeded what was necessary for the attainment of the objective pursued or that they were out of proportion thereto .
11 Athelstan remembered Foreman 's words — how the lady who had visited his shop had bought a poison which could not be traced or smelt yet would stop the heart .
12 The findings could not be repeated and the theory died .
13 Very few disputed the value of effective public relations , but it was recognised that the level of activity of 1989–91 could not be sustained nor justified .
14 The system of personalised in-bureau training that has been described above could not be sustained and developed without the two-tier system of area training officers supported by area tutors and many in-bureau tutors .
15 The CFE treaty as originally signed in Paris in November 1990 [ see pp. 37838-39 ] could not be implemented because of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and consequent disagreements among the successor states .
16 Although a compact of free association was signed in 1982 between Belau and the USA , it could not be implemented until the territory altered its Constitution ( which required a 75 per cent vote in favour in a referendum ) to rescind the clauses which banned the entry , storage or disposal of nuclear , chemical or biological weapons .
17 He took the view that her consent alone could not be retracted since it was given for all time as part of the contract of marriage .
18 On an internal flight returning to Bucharest , the emergency door in the middle of the plane fell inwards and could not be re-secured until the aircraft had made an emergency landing .
19 Since these could not be tasted while Iraq 's oil revenues were low , Mr Hussein sought to raise his revenues by stealing Kuwait 's .
20 The other one could not play on alone or find somebody else to play , and if the games could not be played and ended , the riddle could not be answered .
21 Because his ennoblement could not be ratified until the Dragon Throne was formally occupied , Alexei was not permitted to vote .
22 The second contract could not be ignored since it was not an ‘ independent and disconnected ’ transaction ; the same buyer bought the same goods from the same seller .
23 In 1928 he returned to the ‘ Stones of London ’ , emphasizing that even when approaching a church building ( here Westminster Abbey ) as a historical monument of major symbolic value and aesthetic interest , the fact could not be ignored that , poets ' corner or no , ‘ the Abbey was not originally designed primarily as a Pantheon , but as a Church ; and a Church it remains until it is ‘ disaffected ’ .
24 Except for ( iv ) , each symptom was scored according to the following classification : 0 — symptom absent ; 1 — mild , symptom could be ignored if the subject did not think about it ; 2 — moderate , symptom could not be ignored but did not influence daily activities ; 3 — severe , symptom influenced daily activities .
25 I wanted to show the break that she made under the pressure which could not be ignored or left without a response .
26 He said that while he viewed the ‘ inner circle ’ story as nonsense , the allegations could not be ignored and he had asked Mr Stevens to investigate .
27 The trigger had been the near fatality which , although in itself buried , had awakened a great deal of emotional hurt that could not be ignored and for which he was impelled to seek help .
28 The possibility of a ‘ domino ’ effect in all counties in the District could not be ignored and Hickson had also left open the possibilities for further expansion in his original letter to Wash :
29 They insisted their project had a backer but there were commercial reasons why the details could not be revealed until the deal was finalised .
30 In Rogers v. Parish ( Scarborough ) Ltd. ( 1986 ) the Court of Appeal said it could not be assumed that the statutory definition of merchantable quality ( which dates from 1973 ) was merely a codification of earlier judicial pronouncements upon the meaning of merchantable quality ; pre-1973 cases therefore should not be relied upon .
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