Example sentences of "could [not/n't] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Though what it was that she knew , she could not at that moment have said .
2 While Davidge could not at that time be more specific , he observed , ‘ the appointment of Sir Anthony is intended to stimulate discussion and to help us rexamine all existing and potential services ’ .
3 The court which would normally have taken cognizance was that over which the lord presided ; and although it was in the lord 's court that the vassal made his defiance , it was usually done , not in person , but by messenger or herald , and the vassal could not at that stage accept any ruling of the court .
4 He could not at that stage hope to fulfil this role himself .
5 It went to the extent of stating , ‘ … the TUC could not at any stage commit itself in advance to approve or acquiesce in the methods to be adopted to reach full employment simply because those methods can be shown to be well fitted and even necessary to the achievement of that objective …
6 Moreover , he had written it on pages that he could not at this moment tear up into big pieces and then into smaller pieces .
7 But they could not at this point publicly repudiate him .
8 ‘ … it shall be defence for the person charged to prove that he did not know , and could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained , that the goods did not conform to the description or that the description had been applied to the goods . ’
9 In any proceedings for an offence under this Act of supplying or offering to supply goods to which a false trade description is applied it shall be a defence for the person charged to prove that he did not know and could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained , that the goods did not conform to the description or that the description had been applied to the goods .
10 Under the special defence , the issue is whether the defendant did not know and could not with reasonable diligence have discovered , the false trade description .
11 Their appellate jurisdiction was also extended , presumably by agreement between the Inns and the judges , to issues relating to disputes over property within the Inns : Rakestraw v. Brewer ( 1728 ) 2 P.Wms. 511 , or over elections in the Inns : Inner Temple v. Ince ( 1677 ) 3 Keble 835 , or over debts due to the Inns : Levinz v. Randolph ( 1700 ) 1 Ld.Raym. 594 , which could not by any stretch of the imagination relate to the duties of judges in relation to the administration of justice in their courts .
12 It could not by any stretch of the imagination be anything else .
13 ‘ I could not in good conscience tell people to buy disposable diapers . ’
14 But you could not in all honesty , Wilson , expect us to make that our first consideration . ’
15 " The Independent " argued that it could not in natural justice be bound by an order made against another newspaper , on different facts , and which it had been given no opportunity to oppose .
16 It is disappointing that , although there is an internationally recognized symbol for information ( the small letter ‘ i ’ ) , this could not in some way find itself incorporated in either of these logos .
17 But such dramatic descent to Sheol , the land of the dead they believed to be beneath the earth , could not in any way be expected , and in the story it causes panic .
18 These occasional chance encounters could not in any way be said to constitute a satisfactory emotional life .
19 Lawyer D told her that a jointly-owned house would become the sole property of her husband after her death , and she could not in any way guarantee her share of the money invested in it for her children .
20 I could n't at one time .
21 And she did n't , could n't at that moment conceive of any reason , however remote , why he would want to make love to her .
22 Er I do n't think I could n't at this moment in time , give you the components
23 But I have n't got I could n't at this stage say I could do a tap next year .
24 You could n't through thick smoke , however much you wanted to .
25 Fran could n't in all conscience let it happen to Luke Calder now if there was a chance that she could help prevent it .
26 Strangely , though , as a smile lit her face , she could n't in all honesty have said that her smile was totally on account of having secured an interview with that most elusive man !
27 And having l your mother and father left er , your parents had left you with such low money in the early stages you could n't In any case you could n't My friend was a nurse , but you 'd got to have a special background .
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