Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He 's your picture , Jake , ’ she used to say over the laddie 's cot , laughing like a witch ; and I could 've killed her for it . ’
2 I could 've throttled them after dinner .
3 And they want to come and see the factory , they want to go to yeah , it fell down cos Richard was too busy at the end of last year , fine get that sorted and i Sally was dropped in the crap by right at the end of last year , came on five sets of bearings , I could 've done 'em in two weeks .
4 Do n't suppose he had the strength left in that little body to fight back no more , though you 'd have thought they could 've saved him with these new pills they got .
5 Somebody else could 've told him about it . ’
6 Why could n't you ask about tulips I could 've told you about .
7 Could 've left it until Saturday
8 Do you know , you could 've filled that in , I could 've shoved it in post box .
9 Under the scheme holders of government bonds could choose to exchange them for South Sea Company shares , and the government would pay interest on these bonds to the South Sea Company at a lower rate than it paid previously — the South Sea Company was doing much the same thing as the East India Company , providing the government with a loan at a reduced rate of interest in exchange for overseas trading privileges .
10 He also saw that if the parties did not approve of a rule laid down by a court — a ‘ certain rule ’ — they could choose to vary it by contract .
11 But she was gone before I could finish asking her for help , borne away by three identically dressed musketeers , waving her whip in the air , and lost in the crowds again .
12 This pistol was so heavy that he could not , of course , stick it in his belt ; it was all he could do to lift it with both hands But he had been so enthusiastic about it that he had willingly gone through the laborious loading of its honeycomb of barrels , one after another , and now it was ready to wreak destruction .
13 It was all Wilson could do to thank her for her concern .
14 It was all she could do to admit it to herself .
15 There was nothing she could do to warn him about trouble except beat a hasty retreat back to their hotel suite in Cascais before Jason could catch up with her .
16 She was buoyed up suddenly on the wave of amazement and admiration that she could feel enveloping her from across the whole room .
17 That was n't important , but it was easier to start with something unimportant and then , later on , she could begin to tell him about Oliver .
18 With the political will we could begin to change it from the time of the first by-election of the present parliament .
19 This was a relief as his coughing at night had irritated us , and it meant that Alex could stop hitting him with a broom handle when he woke us up .
20 As a learner from experience you could decide to view it as a learning opportunity and start to experiment with different ways of running the meeting .
21 But to act too soon on the fiscal deficit , when the economic upturn is so fragile and unemployment already at such unacceptable levels , could risk stopping it in its tracks .
22 But to act too soon on the fiscal deficit , when the economic upturn is so fragile and unemployment already at such unacceptable levels , could risk stopping it in its tracks .
23 Whether we could risk using him in such a delicate area of research . ’
24 ‘ We could try tracking it with this . ’
25 Urine advertised as free of detectable drugs is on offer by mail-order to anxious test takers , who could try to substitute it for their own .
26 I will try to contact you by telephone , but if I do not manage it , I would be grateful if you could try to ring me on the above number , extension 4425 .
27 I do n't think I can find her lodgings , but I could try to get her into a home .
28 Mona hesitated , then offered : ‘ If you seriously need that list I could try to get it for you .
29 One could try to approach it with the notion of spheres of competence .
30 Maybe , if she could have accepted him on his terms …
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